Watch Skrillex and Chance the Rapper Remix Colbert’s Monologue, Rap About Breakfast Food on The Late Show
Images via Dave Kotinsky/Getty, YouTube
Last night on the The Late Show with Steven Colbert, Chance the Rapper and Skrillex, who collaborated back in March on a remix of Hundred Waters’ “Show Me Love,” joined forces again to remix Colbert’s monologue about breakfast foods. The talk show host opened the show with a series of jokes about exciting developments in the cereal industry, which the two artists adapted into a song with rhymes by Chance and beats by Skrillex.
“If your toast’s too big, don’t mope, have hope / We got small toast that you can see through a microscope,” raps Chance of Colbert’s aforementioned breakfast cereal, the newly released Tiny Toast, with an admirably sober expression. Skrillex beatboxes in the background beneath Chance’s freestyling as Colbert dances around and waves his arms behind the pair in a humorous (if inaccurate) approximation of an enthused hip-hop concertgoer. “They be makin’ the Chex / But they ain’t payin’ the bills!”
After three rounds, the rapper and producer finish their performance with a literal mic drop, only to return later in the segment to give a live performance of their remix of “Show Me Love” with Hundred Waters. Both seem blissfully happy, with Skrillex ending the performance lying on his back contentedly in the middle of the stage, and Chance spitting his added verses to the song with the same effervescent, lighthearted easiness that makes his latest album, Coloring Book, such a pleasure to listen to. Check out the performance above.