Comedian Chris D’Elia Accused of Abuse, Sexual Assault, and Predatory Behavior by Multiple Women
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10 women have come forward accusing Chris D’Elia of abuse, sexual assault, and predatory behavior, as per a Rolling Stones investigative piece, including four whose communications with D’Elia happened while they were still teens.
Allegations against D’Elia initially came to light in June 2020 when Simone Rossi and others began to speak out about the comedian on Twitter. Among these were women who claimed they were contacted by D’Elia when they were still teenagers; the communication often turned sexual and involved him asking for nude photos.
One of the women who spoke to Rolling Stone for this most recent article is Jazzmyn Wollfe, who stayed in contact with the You actor after June 2020 (they’d begun messaging in March 2020), and this turned into “what she describes as an emotionally abusive, manipulative, and controlling relationship with the comic until last year.” Wollfe, another woman, referred to in the article as Emma (not her real name), and two others allege that D’Elia insisted on controlling minute aspects of their life: he chose their clothes, tracked their locations, pressured them to get tattooed with his initials, and set curfews. If they didn’t send over graphic videos or photos on demand, he would give them the silent treatment or blow up at them. When they tried to leave, Emma and Wollfe claim that he’d say he was suicidal.
Beyond his controlling behavior, one woman alleges that he offered her tickets to his sold out show if she’d give him oral sex. Another, who he’d previously made an “Elder” on his podcast Congratulations (on which he’d fostered a sometimes cult-like fanbase), says he coerced her into performing oral sex before his show, and she started to cry. She claims he told her, “‘If you just do everything I say, it’ll all be OK.’”
According to Rolling Stone, the FBI has interviewed some of the alleged victims and witnesses. An FBI spokesperson informed the magazine that the agency “neither confirms nor denies investigations to protect both the integrity of an investigation and the reputation of those potentially involved in it.”
Jill (not her real name), one of the women interviewed by Rolling Stone, says she wants “accountability and honesty, and for justice to be served by him stopping abusing women.” Wollfe says she hopes that the women D’Elia took advantage of find healing.
Chris D’Elia has continually denied the accusations against him.