Watch Chris Fleming Explore One of Life’s Ultimate Questions in an Exclusive Clip from His New Special Hell
Photo courtesy of Peacock
Comedian and YouTuber Chris Fleming has made a name for himself pointing out the absurdities we encounter in everyday life. Peter Gabriel cycling in a circle to “Solsbury Hill,” the word “umpteenth,” and the Brigadoon-like enigma that is Burlington, Vermont—all of it is fodder for his wonderfully silly and smart comedy. His popular YouTube comedy series Gayle likewise delighted in mining the oddities of our seemingly quotidian world. Now, on his new Peacock stand-up(ish) special Hell, Fleming asks the brave question of what to do with $4.99—purchase a punnet of raspberries or an equally priced gerbil?
The comic turns his dilemma (“Should I get a Driscolls or a gerbil?”) into a catchy little ditty that’ll stay in your head all day (as this writer can attest). We’ll get to watch the entirety of Hell when it’s released this Friday, August 18, but in the meantime this clip is a satisfying stopgap. Between Fleming’s enthusiastic eyebrow wiggling, lithe leaps across the stage, and willowy arm waving that would make “Wuthering Heights”-era Kate Bush jealous, the number’s a real treat.
As teased in a previous trailer, Hell combines surrealist sketches, stand-up, and Fleming’s signature musical comedy to create a heady and humorous hour. Hell boasts appearances from some freaky puppets as well as actor Victoria Pedretti, known for playing a widowed twin in both The Haunting of Hill House and You (how did she corner this very niche market?). The special was directed by Cat Solen and filmed at Los Angeles’ Dynasty Typewriter, a theater that’s hosted the likes of Sarah Silverman, Joel Kim Booster, Maria Bamford, Aparna Nancherla, and many other comedy greats.
Mark your calendars for August 18, and next time you have a spare five bucks, don’t forget to ask yourself if you’d rather have a Driscolls or a gerbil.