Watch Jon Hamm Wrestle Sean “X-Pac” Waltman and Chris Gethard on The Chris Gethard Show

Last September Jon Hamm finally won an Emmy for his iconic portrayal of Don Draper on Mad Men. He’s one of the finest actors of our generation, acclaimed for both his dramatic and comedic work, and he hasn’t been seen much on television since Mad Men ended its storied run just over a year ago. He finally made his triumphant return to our living rooms on last night’s season finale of The Chris Gethard Show on Fusion, in the process revealing a new skill in his actor’s toolkit: he’s also an accomplished professional wrestler.
Chris Gethard put his very existence on the line in a grudge match against his arch enemy Vacation Jason, and brought in a murderer’s row of ringers to help out. Sean Waltman, the multi-time champ best known for his days in WWF and WCW as X-Pac, Syxx and the 1-2-3 Kid, joined indie wrestling legend / podcaster Colt Cabana and former ECW and WWE champ Rhino as Gethard’s partners in the eight-man tag match. For his team Jason introduced two masked wrestlers known as Pineapple and Coconut, who were actually indie stalwart Pat Buck and former WWE wrestler Brian “Curt Hawkins” Myers. The big surprise, though, was Jason’s final teammate: Jon Hamm himself.
We don’t want to spoil the match, so click the embed above and watch the entire episode. Sometimes thrilling, sometimes heart-breaking, in the end it’s a beautiful tribute to the worlds of comedy and wrestling and also a career highlight for Jon Hamm. Oh, and Beach Slang plays a song at the end, too.