Christina P’s Latest Comedy Special Mom Genes Comes to Netflix on Mother’s Day

It doesn’t matter how much credit a mother gets: they can’t get enough. Moms have the toughest job in the world, a task made only more difficult by the nonexistent standards society holds for dads these days. Guiding your little one through the travails of childhood and into adulthood is obviously very rewarding, but it’s also a thankless slog that lasts for almost 20 years and brings you almost no respect whatsoever. Moms are moms because they have to be, which is why Final Fantasy got it right when it observed the truest fact about motherhood: moms are tough.
Comedian Christina P knows firsthand how tough moms are. The comic and proud mother has prepped another intimate look into the life of a modern mother with her latest special Christina P: Mom Genes, which premieres globally on Netflix this Mother’s Day, May 8, 2022. Filmed at the Gramercy Theatre in New York, Mom Genes digs into the nitty gritty of being a mom, a wife, and a woman in the 21st century—and promises to do it all in honest and hilarious fashion.
Stay tuned to Netflix for Christina P: Mom Genes, which starts streaming on Sunday, May 8. And to tide you over, here’s a peek at the promo art for the special. Feast your eyes on the matriarchal majesty of Christina P and her Mom Genes, America!