Colbert Roasts Senate Over Gun Control Inaction

Colbert Roasts Senate Over Gun Control Inaction

On Monday the Senate voted on four different gun control measures that ranged from expanding background checks to prohibiting people on terror watch lists from being able to buy guns. All of them failed, despite public support, and despite coming barely over a week after the deadliest mass shooting in American history.

Last night Stephen Colbert took the gloves off and roasted the Senate over its failure to pass any kind of gun control. Unlike Samantha Bee in her gun control segment from last week’s Full Frontal, where she couldn’t hide her anger or disgust, Colbert just seems weary. Both he and Jon Stewart, upon leaving their Comedy Central shows, talked about how covering the cynical and amoral world of politics every day for years can wear you down, and we imagine the resigned Colbert we see in the first half of this video is how he must have felt inside by the end of The Colbert Report.

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