Conan Teases the Latest Scorsese Feature, Coming in 2029
Image via Team Coco
A decade after his 2019 Netflix/limited-release, 48-hour-long The Irishman, acclaimed director Martin Scorsese will be back with another de-aging hit, exclusively teased on Conan after someone on Conan’s staff traveled to the future and came back with the trailer for The Fighting Man.
The 2029 biopic will be available on Netflix, a subsidiary of Disney+—the latest division of TikTok. The film’s plot is being kept well under wraps, with the teaser giving nothing away. One thing that can be said, though, is the lively youthfulness CGI has brought to the faces of Robert De Niro and Joe Pesci, with the New York Times referring to them as “young bucks.” Al Pacino makes an expected re-appearance as the quick-witted “Scampi,” who has a short feature in a “breathtaking” phone call between De Niro and Pesci.
With The Fighting Man only a short 10 years away, fans are encouraged to invest in comfortable seats and perhaps one of those inbuilt coolers for your couch, as the film is Scorsese’s longest yet at seven and a half hours, though a NYT Sunday Styles comment states “it seems like four.”
Keep your eyes and ears peeled, folks—more info about The Fighting Man to come in the next eight or nine years.