Watch Conan O’Brien Kidnap Tom Cruise

Watch Conan O’Brien Kidnap Tom Cruise

Celebrities are boring, and making interviews with them interesting has long been a source of frustration and hardship for talk-show hosts. We’ve seen a few innovations in the genre recently, from interviews conducted while eating incredibly spicy wings to James Corden’s “Carpool Karaoke,” but by and large, it’s nearly impossible to make interviews with celebrities interesting.

So it’s no surprise that Conan O’Brien has resorted to criminal activity in his.

In a remote segment for a recent episode of Conan, Tom Cruise joined the late-night host in his car in London to promote his new film American Made. And instead of singing or getting coffee, Conan decides that the two are just going to drive. For, oh, seven hours or so.

Cruise reacts about the way you’d expect: with panic. Unfortunately for him, Conan locked the door, so there was no escape. Watch the clip above.

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