Corden and Eichner Are Original OTP Han Solo and Chewie in “Hello” Parody

Corden and Eichner Are Original OTP Han Solo and Chewie in “Hello” Parody

“Halloween, it’s me/I was wondering if after all these years you’d like to trick or treat?”

In a video parody of Adele’s newest hit, “Hello,” from the Late Late Show, James Corden and Billy Eichner are a pair friends who are closer than Mike & Ike with the greatest couple’s costume of all time. Unfortunately, Eichner would rather dress like a cow with his lame family. Don’t worry though, there’s a happy ending involving Sweetarts. Although the lyrics mostly hinge on replacing “Hello” with “Halloween” and some candy puns, the high point is Eichner’s ability to perfectly imitate Adele’s facial expressions.

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