Be Smart About Coronavirus or Mel Brooks Could Die, His Son Max Says in a New Video

Be Smart About Coronavirus or Mel Brooks Could Die, His Son Max Says in a New Video

Mel Brooks is 93 years old. Dick Van Dyke is 94. Carl Reiner turns 98 next week. They’ve all known and worked with each other for decades. And, as Brooks’ son Max says in this video that’s gone viral, due to their age, they’re all in the demographic most vulnerable to the coronavirus.

Max breaks down exactly what you need to be doing to help prevent the spread of this pandemic, using his beloved father (who makes a cameo) and his friends as motivation. Even if you’re young and feel healthy, you might still have the coronavirus—look at Idris Elba, who revealed today that he was diagnosed with it, despite showing no symptoms. If somebody like Elba didn’t practice all the precautions that health professionals have instructed us about—and that Max Brooks lists out in this video—he could potentially spread the virus to others, including 90-something comedy legends responsible for some of the greatest movies and TV shows ever made.

Remember: stay home if you can. Avoid all large gatherings. Practice social distancing. Wash your hands and stay six feet away from others. And maybe, just maybe, Mel Brooks and Carl Reiner will be doing “The 2000 Year Old Man” when they’re actually 2000 years old. (With Dick Van Dyke tapdancing in the background.)

Check out the video below, featuring Max and Mel Brooks.

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