Watch an All-Star Team of Celebrities Sing a Heart-stirring, Empowering Version of Weird Al’s “Eat It”

As bad as things are now, imagine where we’d be without the celebrities. They’re the only thing keeping this country going. It’d be straight Mad Max right now without them.
David Cross and Bob Odenkirk of Mr Show realize that, as major celebrities, they have an innate ability to calm a distraught country—to help us heal. Taking a page from that video of famous people singing “Imagine” that crucially lifted us up in the early days of the pandemic, the two convened a who’s who of brilliant comedy minds and Breaking Bad / Better Call Saul stars to put more hope and love out into the universe through a singalong of a true classic. And what song is more hopeful and more inspiring than “Weird Al” Yankovic’s timeless, beloved “Eat It”?
Cross, Odenkirk and a litany of famous friends—Bryan Cranston! Jack Black! Michael McKean! Sarah Silverman (doing double-duty after the “Imagine” video)! A disgraced former Senator! RHEA FREAKIN’ SEEHORN!—lift their voices in tribute to all of us struggling through these frightening and confusing times, and I don’t know about you, but for the first time I think we just might make it through this. Debuting last night as part of the Mr. Show Zoomtacular Annual Business Call Event for Charity, this video isn’t just here to inspire us—it’s also hoping to raise some money to help fight this virus. Cross encourages viewers to support LIFT, and here’s a link if you’re interested in doing so. Check out the video below, and start to feel better, already.