The Funniest #BillionDollarLoser Tweets about Trump’s Massive Losses
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Is anybody surprised by the New York TImes report detailing Donald Trump’s hundreds of millions of dollars worth of losses in the 1980s and early ‘90s? He’s steadfastly refused to release any info about his finances since running for president, a huge break from tradition that basically screams that he’s not the slick, brilliant businessman he portrays in some people’s heads. Nope, he’s just a rich kid who blew through his inherited fortune while trying to build his name up into a brand. One of our most fraudulent presidents has again been revealed as a joke and a con artist, right when his administration is in the middle of gradually dismantling the Constitution. It’s awesome times in the old country tonight.
If you’re wondering why the hashtag #BillionDollarLoser is trending on Twitter, well, there you go. We’ve collected the funniest of those tweets below. Dude lost a cool billion in a decade, probably more than any American ever—no wonder he’s doing such a great job running this country!
I can’t lie…
I’m not surprised that Donald Trump, a man who cannot spell chief or Kentucky, lost over a billion dollars owning casinos.
— Tony Posnanski (@tonyposnanski) May 8, 2019
Hey #maga – if Donald Trump can blow $100 million of his daddy’s money every year for 10 years, imagine what he’s already blowing for you. #BillionDollarLoser
— John Fugelsang (@JohnFugelsang) May 8, 2019
2000: GOP elects an illiterate millionaire-at-birth who couldn’t find oil in Texas to cut taxes for millionaires.
2016: GOP elects an illiterate millionaire-at-birth who lost a billion $ while owning casinos to cut taxes for millionaires.#BillionDollarLoser#MAGA— John Fugelsang (@JohnFugelsang) May 8, 2019
— Diane N. Sevenay (@Diane_7A) May 8, 2019
You know who would want to show the rest of his tax returns to prove he’s a billionaire?
An actual billionaire. #BillionDollarLoser
— Marie Connor (@thistallawkgirl) May 8, 2019
It takes a special kind of dumb to go broke running casinos, a business where people give you all their money in exchange for nothing. #BillionDollarLoser
— Matt Nedostup (@nedostup) May 8, 2019
— Dan Wilbur (@DanWilbur) May 8, 2019
If Trump lost $100 million every year for 10 years and is traveling west at 50 miles an hour and his 5 kids by 3 women are traveling north at 65 miles an hour, at what point will they meet at Mar-A-Lago to do golf and racism?
— The Volatile Mermaid (@OhNoSheTwitnt) May 8, 2019
The Fake News Media wants you to believe that I lost a billion dollars but really it was mostly tax fraud — gotcha, losers!
— Matthew Yglesias (@mattyglesias) May 8, 2019
What a labor of love it must have been for the TV and newspaper reporters to list the failed investments Trump had made with the millions he accumulated from his father’s inheritance and the billions he talked naive investors to trust him to invest wisely for them,
— carl reiner (@carlreiner) May 8, 2019