The Funniest Tweets About Trump’s Fast Food Feast for Clemson’s Football Team
Photo courtesy of Getty Images
Donald Trump hosted the NCAA national champion Clemson Tigers at the traditional White House congratulatory dinner tonight. Donald Trump is absolutely committed to his schtick, so instead of serving these adult men the kind of classy meal most people would expect in the White House, Trump had a guy hit up a few drivethroughs and bought out all the fast food joints on Pennsylvania Avenue. McDonald’s, Wendy’s, Burger King and Domino’s all made it into the spread, with burger boxes rising like pyramids under the watchful eyes of a modern-day Ozymandias. (Apparently Chick Fil A was a little too rich for Trump’s blood.)
Here’s a video of Trump talking about this feast. This is just a reminder of how fucking weird this man is.
Here’s a video I shot of President Trump showing off his 300 hamburgers.
— Hunter Walker (@hunterw) January 14, 2019
Look, I don’t even know why I need to write an intro to this thing. That photo above says more than I ever could. That video you just watched says thousands of volumes more. You can’t even really joke about this, because it’s simultaneously more absurd than any joke a rational mind could ever think up, and yet also one of the least surprising things Trump has ever done or said. Of course President Baconator would serve up pink slime like it’s some kind of treat, while also using it to once again blame Democrats for the government shutdown that is owned 100% by Trump and the GOP.
That didn’t stop the jokes from coming, though. Here are the best ones we’ve found on Twitter tonight. It may not be as filling as the stuff the Tigers had to shovel down their gullets, but it’s still healthier to gorge on these tweets than those grease bombs.
This is the news photo that would make a returning time traveler realize they fucked something up
— Jess Dweck (@TheDweck) January 15, 2019
CLEMSON ATHLETE 1: Man I can’t wait to have dinner at the White House
CLEMSON ATHLETE 2: I’m getting filet
CLEMSON ATHLETE 3: I want caviar
TRUMP: Welcome, enjoy these Big Macs
TRUMP: I made these, I’m the best chef
CLEMSON: Sir we-
TRUMP: I invented the Filet o’ Fish— Michael (@Home_Halfway) January 15, 2019
TRUMP: I just ate hamberders in bed
— Caleb Synan (@calebsynan) January 15, 2019
Pretty sure this is the most women that have ever been in the Trump White House
— Jess Dweck (@TheDweck) January 15, 2019
This looks like Batman came up with a plan to catch the Hamburglar
— official pixelated boat facebook account (@pixelatedboat) January 14, 2019
I’m at the Pizza Hut
I’m at the White House
I’m at the combination— Electrified Foles-ing Machine (@thomasdkeiser) January 15, 2019
Want to know what it’s like to spend the night in the White House? takes you to McDonalds
— Abbi Crutchfield (@curlycomedy) January 15, 2019
“Welcome… to Fantasy Island!”
— Patrick Monahan (@pattymo) January 15, 2019
Tonight’s White House dinner theme is “Liberace’s cheat night.”
— Maureen Johnson (@maureenjohnson) January 15, 2019
Trump definitely dreamed of someday starring in a McDonald’s commercial set in the White House, surrounded by football players. In his dream the players were all in full pads and he was “giving my very strongest endorsement” to something called The Sex Burger.
— David Roth (@david_j_roth) January 15, 2019
Hey Clemson! Congrats on the game, AND the diarrhea!!
— Matt Braunger (@Braunger) January 15, 2019
Everyone like “Hey elitists, real Americans eat McDonalds!”- like, ok yeah, but not at their weddings.
— Jesse McLaren (@McJesse) January 15, 2019
Exciting news: I don’t want to see the photo of Trump grinning next to a mountain of fast food ever again
— Chris Scott (@iamchrisscott) January 15, 2019
Catering a White House event with 300 fast food burgers would be a setpiece in a movie where a kid becomes president
— Nick Wiger (@nickwiger) January 14, 2019
— Parker Molloy (@ParkerMolloy) January 14, 2019
Them kids put on three-piece suits and got on a plane for a junior bacon cheeseburger.
— Victoria M. Walker (@vikkie) January 14, 2019
please any @ClemsonTigers reading this twitter feed: ask Trump to demonstrate how to eat a hamburger for you and put it on TikTok
— K. Thor Jensen (@kthorjensen) January 14, 2019
tonight, Grimace’s long game finally pays off
— Dave Itzkoff (@ditzkoff) January 14, 2019
He’s prouder of these hamburgers than he is of his adult sons
— Jess Dweck (@TheDweck) January 15, 2019
burgers with a side of jazz hands
— The Ultimate Worrier (@maggieserota) January 15, 2019
the first picture I would show a foreigner unfamiliar with America. truly transcendent
— Gideon Resnick (@GideonResnick) January 15, 2019
one of the strangest things about having trump as president is how he simultaneously embodies white racial reaction AND every pre-Obama racist joke about how a black president would behave
— b-boy bouiebaisse (@jbouie) January 14, 2019
live view from White House national champion dinner
— Thug Kitchen (@thugkitchen) January 15, 2019
Lincoln looking down like, Well, we had a good ride for a while.
— Gary Shteyngart (@Shteyngart) January 15, 2019
Looking at that fast food feast was the happiest I’ve ever seen Donald Trump.
— Desi (@DesiJed) January 15, 2019
Donald Trump is waiting for Taco Bell to pay for the Wendys and McDonalds he got tonight for the Clemson players.
— Tony Posnanski (@tonyposnanski) January 15, 2019
President Abraham Lincoln: “Four score and seven years ago.”
President Donald Trump: “We have pizzas. We have 300 hamburgers. Many, many French fries.”
— Brandon Scott Wolf (indie darling) (@BrandonEsWolf) January 15, 2019
heres my fast food trump joke for todays news. “hey i knew trump had a fondness for whoppers.. but usually he TELLS them rather than EATS them !” thank you.please smash that like and follow and retweet this bad boy to your fam. sign up on patreon for vip access to my newest jokes
— jon hendren (@fart) January 14, 2019
Wendys and McDonalds social media teams on an after hours conference call trying to decide if they should call the president a dumbass on Twitter
— Max (2019) (@DieRobinsonDie) January 15, 2019
because the only thing better than fast food is fast food that’s been sitting out gently steaming its way to room temperature – congrats champions! i hope you’re all extremely drunk
— Josh Hara (@yoyoha) January 14, 2019
The President is giving fast food a bad name.
— BILL OAKLEY (@thatbilloakley) January 14, 2019
Add “caters exclusively with McDonalds” to this.
— Ian G. Karmel (@IanKarmel) January 14, 2019
“I need the classiest food you can serve a visitor. Someone get me an arch deluxe” – trump’s original menu
— Desus Nice (@desusnice) January 14, 2019
— Dave Itzkoff (@ditzkoff) January 15, 2019