The Funniest Tweets about Trump’s Leaked Tax Return
Photo via MSNBC/YouTube
Sooo……………… Trump paid taxes in 2005. Cool! Good for him. We also paid taxes in 2005. What a common man he has turned out to be after all. Just like the rest of us—pays his taxes, plays golf, guts Medicaid and cavorts with Russian prostitutes (allegedly! We have to say “allegedly.”). Could life get any better? Yes, much. Until it does, we’ll content ourselves with these tweets:
Wish these tax returns had been something huge like a tape of trump admitting to serially sexually assaulting women or something
— Cullen Crawford (@HelloCullen) March 15, 2017
we are so lucky to have a leader so great he might have obeyed a basic law.
— Zack Handlen (@zhandlen) March 15, 2017
A Tale of Two Rosies
— Madison M. K. (@4evrmalone) March 15, 2017
Libs: Those poor blue-collar rubesl they’ve been duped by Trump’s false promises. Now to take a big sip of coffee and turn on Rachel Maddow-
— Brown State (@ProChoiceRoyce) March 15, 2017
BREAKING: here is pg 1 of @realDonaldTrump’s 2005 schedule a tax return, as supplied by @Rachel Maddow. Plz ignore ketchup. This is real.
— HUNTER S. FAILSON (@Bro_Pair) March 15, 2017
Trump is trying to destroy Medicaid
— Simon Maloy (@SimonMaloy) March 15, 2017
I turned off the Rachel Maddow report thirty minutes in. Somebody let me know if the patriots turn this thing around after halftime.
— Josh Gondelman (@joshgondelman) March 15, 2017
To be fair, Trump also drinks piss.
— Mitra Jouhari (@tweetrajouhari) March 15, 2017
It’s just two pages of a 1040 it’s not like he’s on tape saying he assaults women
— Patrick Noth (@PatrickNoth) March 15, 2017
The most entertaining part about this Rachel Maddow report is all the people yelling, “YOU GUYS CLEARLY DON’T UNDERSTAND RACHEL LIKE I DO!”
— Fortune Feimster (@fortunefunny) March 15, 2017