Watch Drunk History Share the Heroic Story of Lawnchair Larry, Starring Colin Hanks

Drunk History returns to Comedy Central tomorrow night with the pulse-pounding tale of Lawnchair Larry. This amateur aviator undertook an infamous flight outside of Los Angeles in 1982 in a lawnchair outfitted with over 40 weather balloons. All he took with him was a sandwich, some beer, and a pellet gun, which he eventually used to lower his chair by strategically shooting some of the balloons. I won’t give away the whole story; you can learn more through Drunk History or by just heading over to this exciting new website called Wikipedia.
In this clip Doug Jones regales Drunk History’s host Derek Waters with the full story of Lawnchair Larry, who is performed with the utmost gusto by Colin Hanks. It’s an authentic American tale that says so much about who we are as a country and as a people—a story of great ambition, ingenuity and risk-taking in service of the stupidest, most pointless goal.
Check it out below and watch the return of Drunk History’s sixth season tomorrow night on Comedy Central.