The Funniest Tweets about Elon Musk Smoking Weed on Joe Rogan’s Podcast
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Last night Elon Musk, the billionaire inventor and electric car innovator, was a guest on Joe Rogan’s podcast. They did the kind of things you’d expect people to do on Joe Rogan’s podcast: they talked about the cosmos, the rise of AI, samurai swords, and drugs. Musk also smoked some drugs, specifically marijuana, in what has been one of the longest and most public midlife crises that we’ve seen in quite some time. There was also a flamethrower involved?
Today it was revealed that two top executives have left Tesla, and its plummeting stock fell even lower. Meanwhile Musk somehow can’t stop accusing one of the cave divers who rescued those trapped children in Thailand of being a pedophile. This is all bad news if you work for one of Elon Musk’s companies or care about him as a person. It’s all perfect grist for the Twitter mill, though, especially if you’re a comedian who’s already predisposed to hate callow tech billionaires and their unnecessary and unrealistic attempts at solving society’s problems. What I’m saying is that when Musk is bad the tweets are good, and here are the best ones from today’s well-deserved social media dogpile.
Elon Musk is such an innovator he created a way to look lame smoking a blunt
— Jess Dweck (@TheDweck) September 7, 2018
Elon Musk is like if Kevin Spacey’s character from “American Beauty” had a billion dollars.
— Josh Gondelman (@joshgondelman) September 7, 2018
You’ve gotta hand it to Elon Musk, who is somehow the most embarrassing CEO of 2018 in a year where one of his competitors used the N-word on a conference call about pizza
— Jason O. Gilbert (@gilbertjasono) September 7, 2018
elon musk’s erratic behavior and unpredictable explosions are the result of a tragic tesla factory visit where he accidentally stepped on the assembly line and was made into one of his cars
— Insatiable Gun Taker (@crushingbort) September 4, 2018
You don’t have to like Elon Musk to respect him taking Meltdown May to unfathomable heights
— Robert Wheel (@BobbyBigWheel) September 7, 2018
Joe Rogan and Elon Musk are the only people in the world I wouldn’t want to get high and talk about AI with.
— Matt Nedostup (@nedostup) September 7, 2018
Can somebody please build a tunnel that connects Elon Musk’s brain to his dignity
— Chase Mitchell (@ChaseMit) September 7, 2018
turns out elon musk is every teen boy in my hometown who has a cop for a dad
— nikki black (@nikkiblackcat) September 7, 2018
Imagine spending $100k on a Tesla and now you’re supporting a dude who saw The Matrix once and said, “That’s my favorite Documentary”
— Jensen Karp (@JensenClan88) September 7, 2018
I know we’re numb to all this now but Elon Musk smoking weed and talking about samurai swords on Joe Rogan’s podcast causing Tesla’s stock to crash is insanely funny
— Max Robinson (@DieRobinsonDie) September 7, 2018
Now would be a fun time for Joe Rogan to reveal that joint was just oregano.
— Sean Thomason (@TheThomason) September 7, 2018
Just smoked a blunt of this new strain called Elon Musk and now I’m paranoid that my cat is a pedophile.
— The Volatile Mermaid (@OhNoSheTwitnt) September 7, 2018
ELON MUSK: sure i’ll take a toke takes joint and eats it whole
— Bob Vulfov (@bobvulfov) September 7, 2018
i always thought weed/weed culture is epic but now that i saw elon musk smoke a blunt w joe rogan i think it’s also awesomesauce
— Brandon Wardell (@BRANDONWARDELL) September 7, 2018
someone is going to make $70k selling Elon Musk ditch weed and that person is a hero
— Brandy Jensen (@BrandyLJensen) September 7, 2018
JOE ROGAN: alright elon man what’s the deal with fuckin space man i love it
ELON: ok so actually a lotta people don’t know this but the only time i can cum is during an eclipse
JOE ROGAN: hell yeah bro, that’s wicked.
ELON: saturn makes me big and hard
JOE ROGAN: epic dude, epic.— josh “Yes on B” androsky (@ShutUpAndrosky) September 7, 2018
now that elon musk has smoked weed on joe rogans podcast mark cuban has no choice but to smoke PCP on cumtown
— KT NELSON (@KrangTNelson) September 7, 2018
Just did heroin with Elon Musk
— Jake Weisman (@weismanjake) September 7, 2018
I feel bad for Elon Musk because he’s gonna be the first person to smoke weed, get paranoid, and say “is everybody talking about me??” and the answer is actually yes
— Samantha Ruddy (@samlymatters) September 7, 2018