Eric Andre’s First Stand-up Special Is Coming to Netflix

Eric Andre’s First Stand-up Special Is Coming to Netflix

There’s light at the end of the tunnel—salvation on the horizon. Sure, we might still be locked up inside our homes on June 23, alone and deprived, desperately trying to stay alive in a world singlemindedly devoted to destroying us, but at least we’ll have a new Eric Andre comedy special to tide us over for an hour or so. And not just a new one but the first one—at least when it comes to stand-up. Yes, the fearless Andre is releasing a stand-up special on Netflix on June 23, and at this point it might just be the only thing getting us through the next month. Andre announced the news on his Instagram page today, and if you’re at all a fan of the man or his insanity you’ll want to check it out. Watch that announcement below, and try as hard as you can to still exist come June 23.

MY VERY FIRST STAND UP COMEDY SPECIAL IS DROPPING JUNE 23rd on @netflix @netflixisajoke It’s called Legalize Everything! #legalizeeverything

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