The Funniest Internet Videos of November 2019
Screecaps from YouTube
Each month, we dive into the recesses of the internet and scour them for our favorite funny videos. We’re always excited to show you what we come up with, and this past month was no exception. Check them out.
Astronomy Club — “Magical Negro Rehab”
Astronomy Club—the sketch comedy group we’ve already sung the praises of in regards to their series of Comedy Central shorts—is back with a very exciting Netflix series of their own, set to drop on Dec. 6. They kicked things off with a sneak peak of the show, featuring several fictional examples of the ‘Magical Negro’ trope struggling to make the most of group therapy.
Liz Hynes — “I Watched the Whole New Season of The Crown in One Day”
watched the whole new season of the crown in one day and had to make this. sorry
— liz hynes (@anticapitalizm) November 20, 2019
I, personally, have never seen a single episode of The Crown, and yet after this impressively costumed video from Liz Hynes, I feel like I’ve seen several. It’s a rapid-fire character exercise that clearly registered with the show’s actual fanbase as well, but will give you your stately British melodramatic fix whether you’re in the club or not.
Jon Plester — “Finally Mastered the Mayor Pete Dance”
Finally mastered the Mayor Pete dance! Check it out!
— Jon Plester (@JonPlester) November 21, 2019
Pete Buttigieg spent November getting dragged on the internet for lots of different reasons, including the ridiculous dance to Panic! at the Disco’s “High Hopes” that his supporters have decided is going to be their thing. Plenty of people took to Twitter to mock this dorky trend, but no one threw in quite the surprise ending that comedian Jon Plester did.
Jon Millstein — “Surprising Ad from Mayor Pete”
Surprising ad from mayor Pete
— Jon Millstein (@jmillstein) November 18, 2019
Jon Millstein also did his part, gifting us with this fake Instagram calling on voters to join Pete Buttigieg’s ‘League of Tattlers.’ “Mayor Pete cares about the truth,” he says, “and he won’t hesitate to honk on the nearest teacher’s sleeve to let them know that others are breaking the rules.” It’s sheer coincidence that we included two Mayor Pete videos from two different Jons. Jons just had a great month.
Caroline Doyle — “A Precocious Little Kid on HBO”
the “precocious” little kid suddenly being written into every HBO show to advise their ethically confused parent
— caroline doyle (@cd0yl3) November 15, 2019
Kudos to Caroline Doyle for lifting this cliche out of the collective subconscious and giving it a voice. This is the kind of kid who gives confident relationship advice to her sad-sack dad while quoting Nietzsche, though she “has some qualms with his larger philosophy.” This video is better than any actual instance of this trope that I’ve seen.
Butt — “The Stand Up Trailer That Plays After The Irishman”
The stand up trailer that plays after The Irishman looks terrible. Some guy who only does jokes about going to bed?
— butt (@ButtGuys) November 28, 2019
I’ll never understand why Netflix insists on cutting off the credits of every movie with an alarmingly off-tone trailer for something else, so I’m glad to see that Butt (Joe McAdam and Chris Stephens) and I are on the same page. This trailer is for a comedy special called Funny Never Sleeps that I deeply, deeply wish actually existed.
James Adomian and Bernie Sanders — “Bernie vs. Bernie”
“Do I want to watch Bernie Sanders basically do improv with himself?” That’s a question I may have paused to contemplate in 2015 before saying “yes,” but in 2019 I have no such reservations, especially since this particular video comes courtesy of The Underculture’s James Adomian, one of the great impressionists who has been killing a Sanders impression for years.
Simone Norman — “…This Would Be the Year She’d Stand Up to Her Family at Thanksgiving”
woman who proudly told her friends that this would be the year she’d stand up to her family at thanksgiving
— this emoji but hot (@whysimonewhy) November 26, 2019
We’ve all found ourselves in our hometown slowly losing what was once an iron-clad conviction that we’d stick to our guns in any tense political dinner table standoff, which is what Simone Norman gets at here. “It is good to get other people’s perspective on… human rights.”
Christina Catherine Martinez — “A Commercial for My Car”
I made a commercial for my car do you think this will help the Craigslist views
— Christina Catherine Martinez (@xtina_catherine) November 15, 2019
It’s hard to say much about this bit of surreality from Christina Catherine Martinez, a video that defies you to explain it accurately. It’s technically a car commercial! I don’t know what to tell you! Each delivery is more giddily weird than the last. You can imagine watching this for 50 seconds or two hours. “2002. Ring a bell?”
Max Dylan Ash and Taylor Ortega — “A Song About Pegging”
Wrote a song about pegging.
It’s exactly what you think it’s about.
(Co-written with the illustrious @taylor_ortega)
— Max Dylan Ash (@mynameisntdave) November 11, 2019
Max Dylan Ash always churns out one charming, hilarious song after another, but the highlight of his work in November was this one, performed by Ash and co-written with Taylor Ortega. What starts as a raunchy novelty escalates to unsuspected heights, including something called “skinsuiting,” which I will leave to the song to explain.
Graham Techler’s writing has been featured by McSweeney’s and The New Yorker, and he performs at the Upright Citizens Brigade Theatre in New York. You’d be doing him a real solid by following him on Twitter @gr8h8m_t3chl3r.