The Funniest Internet Videos of March 2019
Images are screencaps from YouTube
The internet: there’s a lot of stuff on it! This much we know. We’re drowning in content these
days and there’s far too many people making great stuff to spotlight at once, but it’s worth a
shot. In that spirit: here’s a roundup of some of our favorite sketches and videos from March.
Natasha Vaynblat — “NYC Realtor Sells Apartment Full of 700 Rats”
NYC realtor sells apt full of 700 rats
— natashavaynblat (@natashavaynblat) March 21, 2019
If we had to make this list every two days, Natasha Vaynblat (Comedy Central) would be a massive help. Her Twitter is constantly restocked with new characters and sketches in 60-seconds-or-less bites, all of which are worth a watch. Our favorite from this month was a—I’m sorry to say—barely exaggerated peek inside New York realty featuring a chipper Vaynblat selling you on the perks of a literal rat’s nest apartment. There are 10,000 other people looking at it though, so you better decide quickly.
Please Don’t Destroy — “The First Day of the Rest of Our Lives”
In this hypnotic short from the effortlessly mind-melded men of Please Don’t Destroy (Ben Marshall, Martin Herlihy and John Higgins), two recent high school graduates break to the third member of their trio that they don’t intend to move to L.A. to play for the Lakers. It’s both a pitch-perfect parody of some kind of Perks of Being A Wallflower climax, and a completely insane film in-and-of itself.
Blair Socci and Reggie Henke — “The Delivery Guy”
Blair Socci and Reggie Henke’s anti-rom-com featuring a not-meet-cute between a couch potato (Socci) and a sensitive Postmate (Joe Kwaczala) is probably the most West Coast video you’ll see all month, in addition to being one of the funniest. Once you watch and enjoy it (you will), you’ll be pleased to know that it’s the second part in the ongoing series “Blair’s Lair” [] which chronicles Socci’s general inability to leave her apartment for any reason at all.
Jon Millstein — “Devastating Beto Attack Ad”
Devastating Beto attack ad
— Jon Millstein (@jmillstein) March 14, 2019
As we head into a contentious 2020 election cycle, it’s important not to let candidates off the hook when it comes to the issues that matter. For example, here’s Jon Millstein’s incredible attack ad that focuses its criticism of Beto O’Rourke on his most upsetting flaw: he’s not a particularly good skater. “The way he handles his board,” the ad notes, “it’s like he’s a nervous little kid.” It’s a takedown Beto is unlikely to recover from, but that’s politics, baby.
Samantha Reece and Becky Chicoine — “Turkeys”
The only Broadway classic that passes the Bechdel test!!
— Sam Reece (@SamanthaaaReece) March 22, 2019
I’m not going to bury the lede on this one: this video is the song “Sisters” from White Christmas but about women who are turkeys. Performed by the theatrical alter egos of Samantha Reece and Becky Chicoine, the lyrics “we’re two birds of a feather / and not women / I hope we’ve made that clear,” will render me (personally) unable to engage in the Christmas tradition in my house of watching that movie the same way again. But that’s okay with me.
Ryan Creamer – “I Offer You A Cleanup Towel
here you go @Pornhub friend –
— Ryan Creamer (@ryguyguyry) March 25, 2019
If you’ve been following the exploits of Ryan Creamer (CollegeHumor) on Pornhub via Twitter, you’ve got the right idea. If you’ve stumbled across them in the course of your own doings, I honestly envy you. If you don’t know what I’m talking about, just know that Creamer has made his own Pornhub channel where he uploads wholesome videos of himself just being a nice guy, respecting boundaries and generally being conscientious. The guy also really knows how to wear a sweater.
Joe Miciak — “Toy Story 4 Trailer”
whoa two new toy story 4 trailers in one day getting me excited
— Joe Miciak (@jlmiciak) March 19, 2019
Now that the bloom is seriously off the rose with Tim Allen this month, what better way to psych yourself up for Toy Story 4 than by watching this very official trailer from Joe Miciak, who opens our eyes to the fact that Buzz Lightyear of Star Command just might share some of Allen’s… personal views. But hey, we hope you love Forky!
Rachel Sennott – “Baby Cult”
Rachel Sennott’s unsettling glimpse at a high schooler’s first day working at a children’s apparel store with three baby obsessed women takes some turns I wouldn’t dare spoil here. “I just want to have a kid so I have something to weigh down the receipts I push around in a stroller all day,” says Sennott, moments before this video transitions into a full-on fever dream that justifiably makes its high school protagonist reconsider a few things about her life.
Randall Otis — “ASMR for White Liberals”
ASMR for white liberals
— Randall Otis (@RandallOtisTV) March 27, 2019
The title might say it all on this one, but that still won’t prepare you for how good the jokes are in this video from Randall Otis (The Daily Show), wherein he whispers sweet nothings to a white liberal audience in order to expunge them of their white guilt and validate their every self-righteous tendency. “You’re better than the rest of them,” he says, and you can almost hear half the adults at your parents’ New Year’s party sighing contentedly as they drift off to sleep.
Graham Techler is a New York-based writer and comedian. You’d be doing him a real solid by following him on Twitter @gr8h8m_t3chl3r or on Instagram @obvious_new_yorker. A real solid.