The Funniest Tweets about the Game of Thrones Finale
Image courtesy of HBO.
Yeah, expect some spoilers below, so stay away if that bugs you.
Game of Thrones is officially over, and I’m sure it’s a huge bummer for fans. I checked out of this show during the second season, but anybody who’s ever loved a TV show before knows how much it can hurt to see it go. I still remember how long and hard I cried when NBC cancelled The Single Guy, the unsung MVP of the classic Must See TV lineup. There’ll be more TV to fall in love with in the future—The Righteous Gemstones is just a few months away—and HBO is determined to bring more shenanigans in Westeros our way, but it’s unmistakable that tonight we all had to say goodbye to a hallowed little corner of pop culture, and, indeed, to a tiny bit of ourselves, as well. Except for people who didn’t watch this show—we’re just glad we won’t have to see it take over Twitter every single Sunday night. (Seriously, I don’t think Brock Lesnar even hit the top ten tonight, despite his shocking run-in at Money in the Bank.)
Okay, now that I’ve hit the minimum number of words that I’ve arbitrarily set for myself with tweet gallery intros like this, let’s get to the reason you clicked on this thing. You want to see the tweets about the show that you just laid to rest. There were a ton of ‘em—they’re still flowing out, even, with the show just now starting on the West Coast—and here are the best ones I’ve been able to find. Laugh it up and make sure to follow everybody who wrote one and then go out and find a new show to turn into a pop culture phenomenon so we can keep pulling in easy traffic with posts like this one.
PEOPLE OF COLOR: “Game of Thrones” ends tonight. White people will be at their most vulnerable. Tonight is the night we make our move. #GOTFinale
— Hari Kondabolu (@harikondabolu) May 19, 2019
Oh no. What are all the “Actually I don’t watch Game of Thrones” people going to do to feel special now.
— Molly Hodgdon (@Manglewood) May 20, 2019
Tyrion surveying the wreckage like
— Dave Itzkoff (@ditzkoff) May 20, 2019
tyrion flips through rulebook
“Oh shit. Guys, we’ve been playing the Game of Thrones wrong. We need to go back a few turns. There’s a whole upkeep phase we’ve skipped”
— Mike Drucker (@MikeDrucker) May 20, 2019
Drogon when he saw dead Dany
— Travon Free (@Travon) May 20, 2019
Man, I feel bad for any parents who named their kids “They Won’t Show Drogon With A Boner.”
— Kibblesmith (@kibblesmith) May 20, 2019
All these strong women and the winner is a white dude who isn’t even fully in touch with reality all the time. Checks out. #Got#DemThrones
— shauna (@goldengateblond) May 20, 2019
SER DAVOS: “To Bran, The Broken Dick, Whose Sword Doesn’t Function Because And Again, I Just Want Make This Completely Clear, He’s Got A Brokeass Dick!”
SER DAVOS: “To Bran the Broken?”
EVERYONE: “Aye!”— Sam Grittner (@SamGrittner) May 20, 2019
BRAN: “Bran the Broken”? I-is that the name we decided on? Have you guys been calling me th—
EVERYONE: TO BRAN THE BROKEN!— Patrick Monahan (@pattymo) May 20, 2019
bran: i don’t want anything. i have no desires except to peacefully sit and ponder the history of the world
tyrion: how about we vote u to be the king
bran: ok i want that 🙂
— Bob Vulfov (@bobvulfov) May 20, 2019
Sansa: (survives torture and comes out on top by using her wits)
Arya: (trains for years with some of the best fighters in the world and kills the motherfucking Night King)
Bran: (falls out a window and says weird shit)
White men: This guy should totally be our king.
— The Volatile Mermaid (@OhNoSheTwitnt) May 20, 2019
So Bran gets to be king, despite the fact that he just put his name on the group project and didn’t do any work. #DemThrones
— Jemele Hill (@jemelehill) May 20, 2019
Everyone: Ay, Bran should be king
Sansa: His dick don’t work lol
Bran: Wow ok a simple “nay” would’ve worked but yeah, let’s bring that up cool
— rob fee (@robfee) May 20, 2019
Game of Thrones is the epic story of the creation of Jaime Lannister’s Wikipedia entry
— ‘Weird Alex’ Pareene (@pareene) May 20, 2019
Brienne and Tormund better fuck considering there are like 17 total people left in the world.
— The Volatile Mermaid (@OhNoSheTwitnt) May 20, 2019
Twitter is obsessed with the Game Of Thrones finale, but over on Facebook is where the real deep fan speculation about the last Big Bang Theory lives.
— Josh Gondelman (@joshgondelman) May 20, 2019
TYRION: People love stories. And nobody has a better story than Bran.
— Jamie Woodham (@jwoodham) May 20, 2019
popeyes cashier: you want to wait on spicy?
— Harry Lyles Jr. (@harrylylesjr) May 20, 2019
Ultimately that episode of #GameofThrones had some very important YM magazine level advice moments for young ‘90s career women and I appreciated it.
— Sara Benincasa (@SaraJBenincasa) May 20, 2019
That last shot. Gendry riding off on his horse. Arya behind him with her arms around his waist, madly in love. Sansa smiling her approval. Switchfoot’s “Dare You To Move” punctuating the perfect ending. Thank you #GameOfThrones
— Dan Clyne (@danCLYNE) May 20, 2019
TYRION: People love stories. And no one has a better story than Bran
— Jason O. Gilbert (@gilbertjasono) May 20, 2019
I feel like playing poker against Jon Snow would be as reliable as a mutual fund
— Mark Agee (@MarkAgee) May 20, 2019
Drogon processes the harm he’s done as a tool of the imperialist war machine by going off into the woods and forming an anarchist collective #GameOfThrones
— Saladin Ahmed (@saladinahmed) May 20, 2019
Sadly, the world is flat in the Game of Thrones universe, so Arya fell off the side of the planet. She is dead.
— Dan Wilbur (@DanWilbur) May 20, 2019
Still the greatest of all the thrones.
— Roy Wood Jr- Ex Jedi (@roywoodjr) May 20, 2019
wild that they finally paired off jon snow and honoria glossop
— Angus McChicken (@Mobute) May 20, 2019
Time to watch the #GameOfThronesFinale, but first, here’s an extremely long commercial for all the shows that HBO is praying to the fucking gods will be the next #GameofThrones.
— Dan Telfer (@dantelfer) May 20, 2019
Also, you gotta give D.B. Weiss credit for parachuting out of a plane with all that stolen money and then he reappears 40 years later and makes Game of Thrones??? Hats off
— Brian Gaar (@briangaar) May 20, 2019
Game of Thrones taught me a lot. For example, if someone ever murdered my mom, I would checks notes break her favorite chair
— Sage Boggs (@sageboggs) May 20, 2019
game of thrones for eight seasons: power corrupts absolutely and the monarchy is a tool for evil
game of thrones finale: let’s try one more king tho
— Bob Vulfov (@bobvulfov) May 20, 2019