See How Weed Connects New York City in New Trailer for HBO’s High Maintenance
Image via HBO/YouTube
Formerly a beloved web series, High Maintenance is moving to a slightly bigger screen via HBO next month. We got a sneak peek into the stoner comedy created by husband and wife duo Ben Sinclair and Katja Blichfeld in a new trailer today, which follows the show’s first teaser, released in June.
The underground viral hit-turned-television series will still follow The Guy (Sinclair) as he bikes around New York City delivering weed to his wide variety of clients. The first season will be composed of six half-hour episodes.
Assemble your munchies and get ready for the premiere on Sept. 16 at 11 p.m. ET. The 19 previous episodes will be available on HBO Now, HBO Go and HBO On-Demand starting on Sept. 1 so you can prep for the debut season.
Watch The Guy serve his hodgepodge of customers and explain his way of life in the trailer above.