Hillary Clinton’s First Post-Election Late Night TV Appearance Goes to Stephen Colbert

Hillary Clinton’s First Post-Election Late Night TV Appearance Goes to Stephen Colbert

Books don’t promote themselves, so Hillary Clinton, former Secretary of State, United States Senator, and First Lady, will be stopping by The Late Show with Stephen Colbert to chat about her book What Happened. The show will air on Tuesday, Sept. 19, on CBS, which just happens to be a part of the same corporation that owns the book’s publisher, Simon & Schuster.

After laying low since somehow losing the election to a professional punchline, Clinton will be all over TV this month. Again: books don’t promote themselves. Colbert’s the natural pick in late night for her TV book tour: his show discusses politics more often than the other network talk shows that air in the 11:35 PM time slot, but is a little bit safer and less pointed in its criticism than the other late night network talk show that regularly discusses politics, NBC’s 12:35 AM jam Late Night with Seth Meyers. Colbert can talk the talk and is guaranteed to make some Trump jokes and knows how to ask questions that seem tough enough to maintain at least a bit of his credibility without actually antagonizing or upsetting his guests (like, maybe he’ll ask about why they didn’t campaign harder in the Midwest, but don’t expect too many DSA talking points). Do expect a segment that gets lots of news attention and viral play but doesn’t really land with any actual impact. And also expect that book to be front and center and for both Clinton and Colbert to hold it up toward the camera a few times. Maybe there’ll be some light chuckles. You can find out in 12 days, if this sort of thing interests you.

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