Need More Gleeson in Your Life? Check Out the Immatürity for Charity Sketches

Need More Gleeson in Your Life? Check Out the Immatürity for Charity Sketches

Brendan Gleeson and his son Domhnall are both certifiable movie stars these days, the former arguably rising to international fame in the 2000s, when he appeared in Gangs of New York, the Harry Potter film series, and In Bruges. Domhnall is a more recent addition to Hollywood, but has likewise established himself by joining popular movie franchises (Harry Potter, Star Wars) and starring in critical darlings like Ex Machina.

Just as he was rocketing into the limelight, though, Domhnall collaborated with fellow Irish writer Michael Moloney to pen the Immatürity for Charity sketches, a series of over two dozen YouTube comedy shorts in aid of the St. Francis Hospice in Raheny and Blanchardstown, Dublin. Billed as a “lowbrow comedy fundraiser,” the shorts deliver plenty of bodily function jokes with the same unabashed gusto as Jackass, just in a much different format. The sketches, which were directed by John Butler (The Outlaws, The Bachelor Weekend), turned 10 last year. Watching the videos today, most of them still hold up because they live up to their name: they’re immature, silly, and plain old funny. There’s a timeless, slapstick quality to them.

You’ll see some familiar faces in the shorts, including Domhnall and Brendan. Brendan received an Oscar nom last year thanks to Martin McDonagh’s black comedy The Banshees of Inisherin, but here he gets to be just straight-up goofy. Others featured include Brendan’s younger son Brian (Mother!, Phantom Thread), Amy Huberman (she’s appeared in Handsome Devil and other films, but is also married to legendary Irish rugby player Brian O’Driscoll), Robert Sheehan (of the The Umbrella Academy fame, and adorably credited as “Robbie” on the original website), and Tadhg Murphy (The Northman, Conversations with Friends).

You can still donate to the hospice here if you’re so inclined, or you can just skip on down to some of our favorite Immatürity for Charity sketches below.


“I know how to treat bullet wounds”

This short isn’t for the squeamish. There’s a few of these “I know how to” sketches with Domhnall in the lead role, yelling for people to “STEP BACK” as he performs questionable medical practices, but this one is my favorite, in part because you get to see him play off his younger brother, Brian. The pair obviously have a natural chemistry, one that works on both the small screen here, and on the silver screen in Mother!.

“The Talk”

Domhnall gets the sex talk from Brendan in this sketch, but it’s not exactly what you’d expect. Also, imagine trying to keep a straight face while filming this with your actual dad.


Sometimes the joke is about the journey, not the destination, by which I mean you know exactly where the bit is going, but it’s funny anyway. “Footlong” is a perfect example, with the performances by Domhnall Gleeson and David Wilmot (The Wonder, Station Eleven) making a predictable concept work. I dare you not to wince during the last shot.

“Roll Call”

The practice of roll call has been a regularly mined comedic vein for years—just think of the droning voice of the teacher in Ferris Bueller’s Day Off or Key and Peele’s popular sketch “Substitute Teacher.” Domhnall’s turn as the awkward sub Mr. O’Brien really sells this bit.


I guarantee after this sketch you will be extra careful the next time you use a urinal.

You can watch the rest of the Immatürity for Charity sketches here.

Clare Martin is a cemetery enthusiast and Paste’s assistant comedy editor. Go harass her on Twitter @theclaremartin.

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