The Funniest Tweets about Ivanka Trump Shutting Down Her Brand
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Sad news for fans of heavily discounted sweatshop clothes: Ivanka Trump is closing down her brand. The First Daughter’s fashion line, which has been a constant source of controversy during this presidency (although a much less prominent and potentially world-ending controversy than most of the other 8000 controversies her dad’s been embroiled in over the last 18 months), will close immediately. Ivanka is spinning it as simply removing a distraction from her more pressing public service work, but the line doesn’t seem to be setting the retail world on fire, so there’s probably more to it than what Trump herself is saying.
No matter the reason, this is exactly the kind of news story that tends to prompt some pretty solid tweets. This isn’t just an unpopular celebrity failing in a very visible way, but the daughter and adviser to a president whose racist policies are tearing families apart and who seems intent on starting a nuclear war via social media. Ivanka’s entire life has become an embarrassment since her incompetent dad got elected, so it’s not a shock that an embarrassing business failure would be the latest log on that particular fire. And it’s even less shocking that Twitter’s making some good jokes about Ivanka’s retail misfortune. Here are the best ones we’ve seen so far today.
Sad day for women’s fashion. Now who will fill the yacht-to-baby-shower-to-estate-signing-to-occupation-hunger-games fashion void? #IvankaTrump
— francesca fiorentini (@franifio) July 24, 2018
RIP Ivanka’s fashion brand. I always saw a reflection of my younger self in those clothes, as I too spent a lot of time rejected and untouched, in a suburban T.J. Maxx.
— Cara Weinberger (@caraweinberger) July 24, 2018
Some of my favorite items from the Ivanka Trump fashion range. Devastated : (
— Fred Delicious (@Fred_Delicious) July 24, 2018
Farewell, the Ivanka Trump Collection.
— Farran Nehme (@selfstyledsiren) July 24, 2018
ivanka shutting down her brand means i won’t accidentally touch trump-branded shit at TJ Maxx anymore, which is nice, because realizing i’m touching it leads to me dropping it in dramatic fashion, as a maxxinista would
— Molly Priddy (@mollypriddy) July 24, 2018
ivanka trump’s clothing line had the most indelible impact on me personally, specifically how i would find her stuff at the bay on crazy markdowns and think “this could be cute and hey, it’s cheap” and then i’d look at the label inside and scream and scream and scream and scream
— Scaachi (@Scaachi) July 24, 2018
Ivanka Trump’s fashion brand lasted about 256 scaramuccis.
— Charlotte Clymer (@cmclymer) July 24, 2018
A crushing blow to the 90% Off Final Clearance Rack at TJ Maxx
— Jason O. Gilbert (@gilbertjasono) July 24, 2018
Will Ivanka Trump™ Fashion be buried next to Trump™ Steaks or Trump™ Mortgages in the family plot?
— Orli Matlow (@HireMeImFunny) July 24, 2018
I would type out all 354 items of Ivanka Trump’s clothing line that are made in China but I don’t want to get carpal tunnel syndrome.
— Marie Connor (@thistallawkgirl) July 23, 2018
it’s objectively hilarious that the White House violated the emoluments clause like 500 times in the last 18 months trying to keep ivanka’s shitty brand afloat and it wasn’t enough. she was born one foot from homebase and somehow got tagged out lol
— KT NELSON (@KrangTNelson) July 24, 2018
When they go low, we go high – c’mon everyone, let’s get a GoFundMe going to save Ivanka‘s clothing line
— Patrick Monahan (@pattymo) July 24, 2018
i am so god damn tired of people celebrating ivanka’s failure. give this woman some credit. she got millions from her crook dad to start whatever bullshit business she wanted and she managed to build a brand of rags that couldn’t even sell at 90% markdowns. thats very impressive
— Bob Vulfov (@bobvulfov) July 24, 2018
Ivanka Trump is immediately shutting down her fashion line so a moment of silence please for all those Chinese jobs lost.
— John Fugelsang (@JohnFugelsang) July 24, 2018
Ivanka Trump is shutting down her fashion line because failed businesses run in the family.
— Nick Jack Pappas (@Pappiness) July 24, 2018
When Jared Kushner is done bringing peace to the Middle East and solving the opioid crisis, maybe he can fix Ivanka Trump’s brand.
— Rex Huppke (@RexHuppke) July 24, 2018
Ivanka Trump’s fashion brand may be over but never forget her timeless fashion advice: Pair sleek, classic nepotism with blind adherence to a maniac and spritz with the vague, insulting guise of female empowerment.
— Louis Virtel (@louisvirtel) July 24, 2018