Updated: Jeffrey Tambor Says That Transparent, Not Arrested Development, Will Start Filming in January

Update: It appears we misinterpreted Jeffrey Tambor’s remarks on Today in the original version of this story. The actor has clarified in a tweet, embedded below, that he was referring to Transparent, not Arrested Development, when he mentioned “go[ing] to work [in] January.” We have reached out to Tambor for further clarification.

Original Story: Jeffrey Tambor doesn’t take many breaks. Fresh off his Emmy win on Sunday, the Transparent star confirmed today that Arrested Development would begin filming its fifth season in January. There has been buzz about the show returning for quite some time. Mitch Hurwitz received a blessing from Netflix late last year, and has been assembling a team of writers ever since.

Hurwitz told reporters at a TCA Press Conference in July that the fifth season was definitely happening, and that production could begin as early as 2017. Now, if what Tambor said was true, it looks as though the show will not only begin production in 2017, it will begin as early as possible in 2017.

Tambor delivered the news during an interview on Today in which he discussed Transparent. When Tambor was asked about Arrested Development, he said “There’s always chatter. My marching orders are to go to work [in] January.” Although there’s no official premiere date for the show, if they stick to this schedule, the show will likely return sometime in the spring or summer of 2017. Until then, you should probably watch Transparent, or you could just watch Tambor’s Today interview below.

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