Rest in Peace, Jessica Walter: The Best of Lucille Bluth
Photo courtesy of Getty Images
Today we lost Jessica Walter, an amazingly talented actress with a long list of indelible movie and TV roles over the last 57 years. Today she’s best known for one of the most incredible comedic runs in TV history as Lucille Bluth on Arrested Development. The show has grown in the hearts and minds of audiences over time, and with it so has Walter’s all-star run as the best worst mom, Lucille. Whether it was drinking when she shouldn’t have been or expressing her disdain for her awful son, Gob, Lucille Bluth delivered so many of the sharpest lines in that show, which you can tell by how often they’re still invoked long after the show’s run ended. In tribute to a true legend, here’s just some of the iconic lines Walter gave us as Lucille. Rest in peace!
one of my fave lucille bluth moments even though there are so many 🙁 rip to the mother of all hot mean girls
— hyacinth girl (@sha_kusky) March 25, 2021
this is hands down my favourite lucille bluth line
— chuck (@charlubby) March 25, 2021
nothing will make me laugh more than Jessica Walter’s scream when Gene Parmesan shows up
— Nathan Cykiert (@nathancykiert) March 25, 2021
some of the best lines ever in tv, full stop
— Fletcher Peters (@fIetcherpeters) March 25, 2021
RIP Jessica Walter, who had the best press conference answer of all time. Cheers.— Tim Miller (@Timodc) March 25, 2021
Not Jessica Walter 🙁 Lucille Bluth is one of my all-time faves. Will never forget how seamlessly she delivered this joke, which is one that surprises me every time I rewatch Arrested Development:
— maggie is trying. (@maggieairquotes) March 25, 2021
As someone who grew up in Orange County, Jessica Walter’s Lucille Bluth was SO spot on for the gentry level white folks there
— noah, a bibimperson (@noahreservation) March 25, 2021
Thank you for making me endlessly cackle throughout my adolescence. I will always carry a bit of Lucille Bluth with me. RIP.
— Jeri Ann (@jerianndotcom) March 25, 2021
only GOAT Lucille Bluth moments on the TL today
— Noah Neidlinger (@candor_for_sale) March 25, 2021
RIP Jessica Walter. I don’t know if any actor ever conveyed more with a wink. Her Lucille Bluth was the best satire of the smug rich ever done. Her voice all transatlantic arrogance, vodka delusion, and charming ignorance. The Motherboy episode alone, my god. A true comic genius.
— Otto Von Biz Markie (@Passionweiss) March 25, 2021
my favorite lucille bluth moment
— gaby (@rosebvdds) March 25, 2021
And while the news is incredibly sad, maybe let’s all be a bit more like Lucille. I think that’s what Jessica Walter would’ve wanted.
Me right now. RIP Jessica Walter, you absolutely delightful lady.
— JennyPenny (@jkpenny) March 25, 2021