Jessica Williams Bid a Tearful Goodbye to The Daily Show
Photo by Gavin BondJessica Williams came onto The Daily Show as a 22-year-old with a short resume, the youngest Daily Show correspondent ever, and four years later, is leaving as one of the most beloved correspondents—and with a pilot deal.
Williams announced earlier this week that she would be leaving The Daily Show to pursue a scripted comedy show with Comedy Central. She’ll be writing, producing and starring in the new project. It’s still untitled and in development but Williams told Entertainment Weekly that “It’s a show about someone in their 20s who has all these social ideas but still, like, does not have it together. And she’s goofy and silly and funny!”
Daily Show host Trevor Noah had Williams seated on the main set at the end of the show on Thursday, telling her, “You are the coolest, most awesome person. This whole building is going to suffer from a lack of J-Willy-ness.” Williams was wiping away tears as Noah introduced a video that compiled some of her best moments from the show that present just “a tiny bit of what makes you as amazing as you are.” The video begins with Williams bedroom-singing Beyoncé, and covers some of her finest moments such as tractor dancing, talking exorcism with a priest and having a hoverboard crisis. The rest of the correspondents made an appearance at the end of the video to say goodbye and to ask for her office.
Noah concluded the show by saying, “It is not goodbye, it is farewell. You’re gonna be close by, hopefully. Your show is gonna be amazing. You’re always welcome.”
Watch Williams’ Daily Show farewell here.