Watch Jimmy Fallon and Will Smith Perform The Evolution of Hip-Hop Dancing

One of the most beloved segments from Late Night with Jimmy Fallon was his “Evolution of Dance” series. There was the “Evolution of Dad Dancing,” “The Evolution of End-Zone Dancing” (featuring Justin Timberlake) and best of all, the “Evolution of Mom Dancing” with Michelle Obama, all performed under spotlight on a simple black stage.
It goes without saying that we’re delighted to see that Fallon is bringing his moves to The Tonight Show, as well. During last night’s debut he and Will Smith teamed up to educate viewers on the “Evolution of Hip-Hop Dancing.” Among plenty of other memorable moves there was “The Robot,” “The Pop and Lock,” “The ‘I’m About to Break Dance’,” the Beastie Boys-inspired “Fish Eye,” “The Dougie” and, finally, “The Carlton.”
Also: Fallon and Smith wore matching overalls with one strap off…Just watch the whole thing above.