Watch Jimmy Kimmel Return to His Talk Show and Promote Children’s Healthcare With His Baby Son
Image via ABC/YouTube
Unless you literally do not have a soul, you have likely found the story of TV host Jimmy Kimmel and his baby son to be touching. The talk-show host took a week off of his show Jimmy Kimmel Live! to attend to his family after his baby son Billy went through a second heart surgery. While that week had guest hosts to fill in, Kimmel returned to the show last night, and brought Billy along with him.
The adorable and quite confused baby Billy made the usual noises one could expect from an infant, while his father, holding back tears (“Daddy cries on TV but Billy doesn’t”) as he thanked all of the doctors and surgeons who treated not only his son, but also “children of every income level.” Kimmel specifically touted the generally bipartisan-supported CHIP (the Children’s Health Insurance Program), which covers approximately nine million children.
The problem at hand, as Kimmel describes, is that Congress recently failed to approve funding for CHIP since the first time it was created two decades ago. An essential program has been thrown onto the back-burner as a bargaining chip due to the proposed GOP tax cuts. Kimmel encourages viewers to call their Congressional representatives and senators, and gives a reminder that this Friday, Dec. 15, is the last day to enroll for the Affordable Health Care Plan.
Meanwhile, “Billy’s doing great, by the way,” with one more surgery scheduled.