Watch Jimmy Kimmel Get Down To Brass Tacks on Healthcare Policy
Images via ABC/YouTube
Yesterday, Jimmy Kimmel followed up his heart-wrenching monologue from last week about healthcare and the complications surrounding his son’s birth with a response segment. Kimmel first addressed Newt Gingrich’s objection that Kimmel is “too angry to be funny,” saying, “I wonder why we’re angry, maybe because of, I don’t know, you? Newt Gingrich does know a lot about comedy. This is the man who helped lead the impeachment effort against Bill Clinton for trying to cover up his affair while he was having an affair. That’s hilarious.”
Kimmel, after addressing a few other responses, conducted a split-screen interview with Republican Senator (and medical doctor) Bill Cassidy. Though Cassidy’s voting record has agreed with the Republican party line as far as healthcare reform, Cassidy has very publicly expressed concerns with Republican overhauls of Obamacare. The dialogue between Kimmel and Cassidy was surprisingly productive—Cassidy noted GOP concerns about the Affordable Care Act didn’t sufficiently address pre-existing issues with insurance companies, nor did it work ideally for the taxpayer.
Still, by the end of the interview, Kimmel and Cassidy agreed on a “Jimmy Kimmel Test” for Healthcare Reform: “No family should be denied medical care, emergency or otherwise, because they can’t afford it.”
Watch the full segment above, find Kimmel’s segment from last week here and read Paste’s take on one particularly nasty response to Kimmel here.