The Funniest Tweets about Biden’s Speech to Congress
Photo courtesy of Getty Images
President Joe Biden held his first joint address to Congress tonight, which means it’s time for a little experiment. Whenever Trump did literally anything, we could throw up a quick gallery of tweets about it, and usually find a pretty good audience for ‘em. That was especially true for his State of the Union addresses, and although Biden’s speech tonight wasn’t technically one of those (a SOTU, as all the cool political kids call ‘em), it basically served the same purpose. Biden’s speech came near the end of his first 100 days in office—a totally arbitrary length of time that has somehow been imbued with special meaning by the low-brow political press—and served as both a recap of his first few months in office and a preview of what he hopes to accomplish throughout the rest of his first term. As his first major Congressional address, it was both somewhat newsworthy, and also somewhat tweetworthy—meaning a lot of the usual suspects you see pop up on our tweet galleries were writing jokes about the whole thing. So, yes: here’s a collection of our favorites, the funniest tweets about Biden’s first speech to Congress. Will this do even a fraction of the traffic any old Trump tweet gallery would do? My guess is that it won’t, but let’s find out. You’ll know the answer if / when we never do one of these ever again. In the meantime, enjoy the tweets, follow every single person who wrote them, and be as thankful as you can possibly be that tonight’s speech wasn’t done by somebody who cameoed in Home Alone 2.
— Ben Rosen (@ben_rosen) April 29, 2021
Republicans have only one mood: Everything is getting worse, terrible people want to take your stuff, “they” all hate you, so grab a gun and hunker down. That was the GOP during Trump and it’s the GOP during Biden. It’s all they have.
— Mark Harris (@MarkHarrisNYC) April 29, 2021
tim scott going on about how the novel coronavirus is more of a uniter than biden
— lvl 46 dog-faced pony potus (@thetomzone) April 29, 2021
With a name like Tommy Tuberville he simply had no choice but to be one of the dumbest fucking people in the Senate.
— Louis Peitzman (@LouisPeitzman) April 29, 2021
there should be a collectible series of these guys on Sports Illustrated covers
— shauna (@goldengateblond) April 29, 2021
“Psst… do we clap for this one? Do we like this?” – me in congress
— Chase Mitchell (@ChaseMit) April 29, 2021
It’s not even political to say Ted Cruz is a piece of shit.
— Adam Newman (@Adam_Newman) April 29, 2021
Biden called America the most unique idea in the world as if he’s never watched The Babadook
— Jean-Luc Bouchard (@jlucbouchard) April 29, 2021
Biden milling around the floor like me looking something to do after an open mic
— John Field, Comedian (@AmericasComic) April 29, 2021
President Joe Biden: “White Supremacy is terrorism.”
Rick Santorum:
— W. Kamau Bell (@wkamaubell) April 29, 2021
I’m a 42 year old Republican who works hard and pays my taxes and what Joe Biden said is DISGUSTING
— Corey “The Buttercream Dream” Forrester (@CoreyRForrester) April 29, 2021
I can’t believe President Biden thought the attack on the Capitol was worse than when the British took the airports during the Revolutionary War.
— I Smoked Giuliani’s Four Seasons Total Prison Cell (@BlackKnight10k) April 29, 2021
Biden now lingering in the House Chamber like it’s a swing state Dairy Queen
— Mike Memoli (@mikememoli) April 29, 2021
I found the best part of Biden’s speech was when he inexplicably said “ I find REM’s EVERYBODY HURTS to be self-indulgent twaddle”. Couldn’t agree more.
— eddie pepitone (@eddiepepitone) April 29, 2021
Excited to hear what the Angry Adult Disney World Guy thinks of the #PresidentialAddress on Fox News tomorrow!
— Brett Ryland (@brettryland) April 29, 2021
Reminder: the whole goal is to say things that would not make Jim Jordan applaud
— Alex Blagg (@alexblagg) April 29, 2021
It’s startling to see a joint session of congress that requires this level of extreme social distancing just so nobody has to sit next to Ted Cruz.
— Jarrett Bellini (@JarrettBellini) April 29, 2021
Ted Cruz, Mitch McConnell, Rudy Giuliani, Tucker Carlson, and Matt Schlapp are all trending. Soon they will merge to form Revoltron.
— The Volatile Mermaid (@OhNoSheTwitnt) April 29, 2021
I’m not saying Biden is old but he just thanked the Academy.
— Alec Sulkin (@thesulk) April 29, 2021
I wish Biden was speaking more about he’s not being treated fairly by the lamestream media.
— Desi (@DesiJed) April 29, 2021
Joe Biden is relentlessly on message. Too bad every normal person in the country thinks he’s banning meat and giving out Kamala Harris’s book to immigrant children because of a meme they saw on Facebook.
— Zach Heltzel (@zachheltzel) April 29, 2021
Fun Fact: Joe Biden is the first president in the last five years who hasn’t sent a mob to murder his running mate.
— (@LOLGOP) April 29, 2021
members of congress rolling into this joint address like they’re members of a wedding party doing a coordinated “fun” processional to a dance hit
— Erin justice breyer please retire Ryan (@morninggloria) April 29, 2021
I hope Biden mentions fighting White Supremacy; just to watch the GOP try to applaud even less than they did for cutting childhood poverty.
— John Fugelsang (@JohnFugelsang) April 29, 2021
“Madam Speaker: The Leadership of the GOP”
— Lizz “Watch my special @ Vimeo On-Demand” Winstead (@lizzwinstead) April 29, 2021
BIDEN: “We want to make sure that all puppies remain cuddly and adorbs, and every child goes to sleep happy.”
DEMOCRATIC LAWMAKERS: rise up in raucous applause
GOP LAWMAKERS: sit silently with crucifixes raised against the demon#PresidentialAddress
— Rex Huppke (@RexHuppke) April 29, 2021
holding my thoughts on Biden’s address until I’ve heard Joe Rogan’s response
— Matt Oswalt (@MattOswaltVA) April 29, 2021