Watch John Oliver Break Down Exactly What Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump Are Doing

Watch John Oliver Break Down Exactly What Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump Are Doing

In President Donald Trump’s administration, Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner have effectively been political tabula rasas for critics and supporters alike to project all of their hopes and fears onto. They’ve been seen as the protectors of the climate, ardent guardians of Planned Parenthood and paid family leave, the level-headed moderates to Steve Bannon’s white-hot anti-globalist fury and possible deliverers of peace in the Middle East, just to name a few.

Last night on Last Week Tonight, John Oliver basically called bullshit on all of that and rightfully pointed out that we still have precious little information about the First Couple. It’s to the point with Kushner that most people probably don’t even know what his voice sounds like, despite the fact that he’s been tapped to broker Middle East peace, field phone calls from world leaders, reform the criminal justice system, run the Office of American Innovation, fix veteran care and tackle the opioid crisis.

For Ivanka, she’s been pegged as the last voice President Trump listens to, although he didn’t seem to hear her too well when she brought in Al Gore to talk about climate change. And as Oliver points out, Ivanka Trump’s previously signaled she’s about as nonplussed about misstatements and inaccuracies as her dad has proven to be over the years. So it’s tough to take everything at face value.

What’s perhaps the toughest to believe though, which Oliver strings throughout the clip, is that President Trump could be bowling naked in the White House right now and we’d never know. Maybe Vice President Mike Pence is there, too. Maybe not. … But maybe.

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