Watch John Oliver Break Down the American Health Care Act
Photo by Eric Liebowitz/HBO
There aren’t exactly choirs and choirs of people in Congress, or anywhere across the political landscape, singing the praises of the recently introduced American Health Care Act. As John Oliver pointed out in his new segment on the AHCA, not even noted bowtie enthusiast and Fox News host Tucker Carlson could keep from asking Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wisc.) a few pointed questions about the issue.
Carlson was just one of a litany of voices Oliver introduced on Last Week Tonight who has found something to raise an eyebrow about over the bill intended to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act (ACA). Also included in that group: scores of Fox News hosts and commentators, a Republican rep from Alabama who thinks the AHCA is too generous, Democrats who can’t wait to call this “Trumpcare,” health care groups such as the Kaiser Family Foundation and none other than the Catheter Cowboy.
That’s right, on last night’s episode, the Catheter Cowboy returned to explain to President Trump just how complicated all of this healthcare business can be. And like his prior appearance to talk about the Nuclear Triad, it’s a hilariously understated bit of infomercial pitching. It’s a solid button on a labyrinthine topic, a helpful bit for the President and a small gift to frequent viewers of the show (far better than the gifts you get on “Shitty Christmas”).
Watch Oliver’s new segment above.