The Funniest Tweets About Johnny Depp’s Trump Assassination Joke
Photo by Ken Ishii/Getty
Johnny Depp has been making quite a few headlines, recently. Surprisingly, it has nothing to do with an announcement of Pirates of the Caribbean 6: I Don’t Know, Maybe Jack Pissed Off, Like, Aquaman?, but rather Depp’s controversial Trump assassination joke. Whilst onstage at the Glastonbury Festival yesterday, Depp asked the crowd, “When was the last time an actor assassinated a president?” Not content to simply let that comment fester, Depp continued, “I want to clarify: I’m not an actor. I lie for a living. However, it’s been a while, and maybe it’s time.”
Obviously, everybody and their mom has lashed out against the ill-advised joke—and several news outlets report the White House strongly condemns the joke as if that needed clarification— and we’ve compiled a few of the funniest tweets on the matter.
At home, Johnny Depp walks through his room of scarves, deciding which one will take the fall for his idiocy.
— Anne T. Donahue (@annetdonahue) June 23, 2017
Johnny Depp getting wasted at a party and just vomiting scarves in the toilet
— Michael, still here (@Home_Halfway) June 23, 2017
Johnny Depp‘s trump assassination jokes are SAUVAGE™
— kathleen nicholls (@kathfantastic) June 23, 2017
Probably the smartest comment an actor has ever said..
Johnny Depp— Maria (@kaur211_maria) June 23, 2017
Should have seen Pirates of the Caribbean. Johnny Depp is a hoot xD
— Ashley George (@AndyyDoll) June 23, 2017
I love all the people threatening to boycott Johnny Depp‘s movies. Like what the fuck were you doing there in the 1st place?
— Matt Fernandez (@FattMernandez) June 23, 2017
Johnny Depp grew up here in South Florida. For us it is very easy to understand his erratic bizarre behavior. Typical down here.
— The Loebricator (@randon_loeb) June 23, 2017
Of course Johnny Depp‘s opinions cause controversy. He thought being in “The Tourist” was a good idea. I’ve disagreed strongly for years.
— Gunwild ???????? (@GunwildPrime) June 23, 2017
If Johnny Depp hadn’t immediately said he didn’t mean it & told supporters to kill HRC & BHO he could’ve been invited to the WH w/Kid Rock.
— John Fugelsang (@JohnFugelsang) June 23, 2017
Still pissed at Johnny Depp for not making it abundantly clear if he’s British or not.
— Alex Watt (@AlexanderWatt) June 23, 2017
“Johnny Depp “………luvya….but……..
— jetfanglo (@jetfanglo) June 23, 2017
Hating on Johnny Depp is now the one thing that both liberals and conservatives can agree on. It’s a start.
— Matt Baldwin (@mattycantfail) June 23, 2017
Someone fill me in what did Johnny Depp say?
— Johnny Driscoll (@johnnydriscoll) June 23, 2017
So apparently NOT stage rum on the sets of all those pirate movies eh Johnny Depp?
— Bullets First (@BulletsFirst1) June 23, 2017
Kathy Griffin: Don’t go there, trust me.
Johnny Depp: Hold my joint.
— Jan-Michael (@janmichael77) June 23, 2017
Johnny Depp grows stronger every time he visits an old womans garage sale thats selling scarfs and bracelets
— Stefan Urquelle (@OfficeofSteve) June 23, 2017