Watch Jon Stewart “Attempt” to Give “Equal Time” to “President” Trump on The Late Show
Image via CBS/YouTube
Stephen Colbert must have Jon Stewart in a “break glass in case of emergency” container, with all of the times he shows up on The Late Show. This time, Colbert has enlisted his former Daily Show boss to respond to another Donald Trump tweet slamming the quote-unquote “unfunny” late-night hosts, asking for “equal time.” As you can see, Stewart had a little bit of trouble with that.
The bearded Stewart stands behind a microphone, attempting to counter Colbert’s barrage of anti-Trump quips. All Stewart can muster up is that Trump (as far as we know) is not a cannibal, and at least he isn’t (or maybe is?) as bad to women as (ugh) Harvey Weinstein. But Stewart can only go so far with the bit—after hearing Trump’s “calm before the storm” comment, Stewart unleashes a storm of his own, very reminiscent of his Daily Show days.
Check out what Stewart had to say in the video above.