The Funniest Tweets About Kanye West, Part 2
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We have no idea what “dragon energy” is. We don’t want to know how much Trump would charge for an autographed MAGA hat. We also don’t know how recognizing Trump for the callous charlatan that he clearly is means we’re living in a “mental prison.” Obviously that means we aren’t Kanye West.
We have no idea what’s happening with Kanye West this week. Is it a genuine political conversion? A massive troll job? A publicity stunt for his next record? Who knows? We do know that all of the above quotes come straight from his Twitter account today, where his week-long descent into Trump-loving, red pilled MAGA mania continues apace. Take a look, if these somehow haven’t already been force fed into your social media feeds multiple times today:
You don’t have to agree with trump but the mob can’t make me not love him. We are both dragon energy. He is my brother. I love everyone. I don’t agree with everything anyone does. That’s what makes us individuals. And we have the right to independent thought.
— KANYE WEST (@kanyewest) April 25, 2018
my MAGA hat is signed ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
— KANYE WEST (@kanyewest) April 25, 2018
Free thinkers don’t fear retaliation for your thoughts. The traditional thinkers are only using thoughts and words but they are in a mental prison. You are free. You’ve already won. Feel energized. Move in love not fear. Be afraid of nothing.
— KANYE WEST (@kanyewest) April 25, 2018
We’d never want to laugh at or poke fun of people with mental problems. That’s just crass. And many hypothesize that Kanye’s pro-Trump Twitter rants about being a free thinker are a sign of just such mental instability. If that turns out to be true we’ll certainly regret compiling this here gallery of tweets. (And also this here earlier gallery of tweets about Kanye West, which went up on Monday and is mandatory reading before diving into this one.) For now though we have no proof that Kanye is suffering from anything other than the same delusion that plagues many Trump supporters, that this president is somehow a brave straight shooter whose supporters are clear-seeing free thinkers. That’s been disproven multiple times over, and now it’s high time to start reconsidering how we think about Kanye West.
Before then, though, let’s just get some cheap laffs from the same site that lets Kanye blast his absurdity to the world. Here are the funniest tweets about Kanye West‘s apparent embrace of Trump and the alt-right, as written by some of the sharpest comedians today.
Kanye’s next concert gonna be lit.
— Nick Jack Pappas (@Pappiness) April 25, 2018
the least cool thing kanye has ever done and he made a song with coldplay
— Ziwe (@ziwe) April 25, 2018
— Dave Itzkoff (@ditzkoff) April 25, 2018
black people who are anti mayo but stan for potato salad are living, breathing kanye tweets
— Rembert Browne (@rembert) April 24, 2018
“Let’s get lost tonight, we’ll deny the holocaust tonight” ~ Possible Kanye Stronger remix lyrics?
— Paul E. Amory (@mattytalks) April 24, 2018
I have to give kanye credit – he went from “maybe I’ll rejoin twitter” to full “the thought police are trying to silence me!” in like 36 hours. for most people that takes months, if not years
— KT NELSON (@KrangTNelson) April 24, 2018
I saw an angry white guy refer to Kanye as an ‘enigma.’ I got nervous for a second there.
— mark normand (@marknorm) April 24, 2018
Kanye and Trump should switch Twitter accounts and see how long it takes for anyone to notice
— Jesse Case (@jessecase) April 24, 2018
Kanye tweets Dilbert and people lose their shit but Bob Dylan daily tweets The Lockhorns, saying it’s “the only art that doesn’t lie” and gets a free pass. #doublestandard
— Nathan Rabin (@nathanrabin) April 25, 2018
conservatives told us for years that Kanye was an idiot, and boy are they happy to be right
— Johnny McNulty (@JohnnyMcNulty) April 25, 2018
Boy, Tim Allen must be devastated that Kanye West has usurped his role as “coolest conservative celebrity”.
— Jules Suzdaltsev (@jules_su) April 25, 2018
kanye west is actually the name of the scientist, you’re thinking of kanye west‘s monster
— beth, an alien (@bourgeoisalien) April 25, 2018
This is Huey Lewis tweeting from Kanye’s account today. #AMA
— Adam Newman (@Adam_Newman) April 25, 2018
I just went to a Kanye show and the crowd was different than I expected. I took a pic.
— Jonah Ray Rodrigues (@jonahray) April 25, 2018
The important take away from this message is that Kanye loves me.
— Allie Goertz (@AllieGoertz) April 25, 2018
You’re not
gonna be laughing when Kanye has a cameo appearance in the next Kevin Sorbo movie about a mean atheist professor— Brian Tashman (@briantashman) April 25, 2018
Now I’m imaging Kim chasing Kanye around one of their mansions with a rolling pin
— Patrick Monahan (@pattymo) April 25, 2018
CHARLIE KIRK: hollywood celebs are dumb and out of touch with normal americans
KANYE (from his custom tesla phone helmet): I bet trump is a good kisser
CHARLIE KIRK: cums in pants so hard that they completely rip off of his body and into traffic
— KT NELSON (@KrangTNelson) April 25, 2018
Kanye West‘s tweets show that all Americans, Democrat and Republican, are starfuckers
— Robert Wheel LLC (@BobbyBigWheel) April 25, 2018
trump will replace pence with kanye in 2020 and win again
— the hippo account (@InternetHippo) April 25, 2018
woooboooy kanye love him a rich white man
— Rembert Browne (@rembert) April 25, 2018
i just hope kanye goes back to what he does best: selling $500 crocs that look like they were made out of the aggrocragg
— josh androsky ???? (@ShutUpAndrosky) April 25, 2018
you may not like it but he’s not wrong
— erin chack (@ErinChack) April 25, 2018
Kanye is the funniest comedian working
— Jake Weisman (@weismanjake) April 25, 2018
kanye took a photo of a phone screen of an instagram post of a screenshot of a tweet. dude is old as fuck now
— leon (@leyawn) April 25, 2018
2018 is Donald Trump‘s senior campaign advisor retweeting a picture of Kanye West tweeting a picture of Donald Trump retweeting Kanye West on someone else’s Instagram.
— Miles Kahn (@mileskahn) April 25, 2018
I don’t always agree with Trump, but Kanye does make an important point here
— Mike Drucker (@MikeDrucker) April 25, 2018
In fairness to Kanye, “We are both dragon energy, I love everyone, ect.” is by far the most coherent pro-Trump take ever produced.
— I Pour Fake Blood On My Sundaes (@barelytomson) April 25, 2018
Kanye West‘s next album will now be called ‘The Deportation of Pablo.’
— Jeremy Newberger (@jeremynewberger) April 25, 2018
Donald Trump has now said nicer things about Kanye West than he has about Tiffany
— Brian Tashman (@briantashman) April 25, 2018
Find more tweets about Kanye here.