Kroll Show: “Blisteritos Presents…”
Dad Academy Graduation Congraduritos Red Carpet Viewing Party

The season finale of Kroll Show was, as Liz from the “PubLIZity” sketch would say, ahhhhhh-maz-ing. It was packed with more mind-blowing comedic power than a bag of Blisteritos. It was great to see C-Czar finally graduate from “Dad Academy,” and his mom (Laura Dern) returned for the occasion. This character has grown on me throughout the season. What I like most about him—aside from the fact that he is a toilet baby—is the non sequitur exclamations that leap from his garbage brain. Balancing being mostly disgusting with a strangely attractive naïveté, he truly is “a villain, but a good villain.”
The “Dad Academy” graduation was brilliantly connected to the “PubLIZity” sketch via a red carpet viewing party while “The Rich Dicks” became C-Czar’s final hurdle mid-graduation. Given that this is a sketch show, that doesn’t usually employ a full narrative to tie everything together it was surprising just how satisfying the interconnectedness was in this season finale. The revelation that Pretty Liz is the mother of C-Czar’s baby brought everything full circle. There were great guest stars in this one including: Seth Rogen as a rep for Blisteritos, Amy Poehler returning as the Rich Dicks’ sister, and Katy Perry as Katy Perry. By far the best episode of a great season, this is a must see.
Some Highlights:
“So the heads got like…ruined?” – Pretty Liz on Blisteritos side effects
“So I was like walking by the pool but as I was walking I fell asleep and when I fell into the pool I hit the water super hard but I still didn’t even wake up and like I could’ve died away.” – Pretty Liz on why she’s “afraid for summer”
“I’m not going to the viewing party because Blisteritos causes miscabbages.” – Pretty Liz
“They think we’re fighting them. All we’re doing is just drowning them.” – Wendy on why the ASPCA won’t let the Rich Dicks adopt pit bulls anymore
“Letting C-Czar smoke crank…was a mistake.” – Ron Funches
“Can I tell you a secret? I was crate-trained!” – C-Czar
…and C-Czar breaking a bottle over his own head.