Kroll Show: “Mercury Poisoning”

This week’s Kroll Show felt like the performance a losing basketball team turns in when they’re behind by too much to win. There were some valiant efforts, but it was somewhat lackluster. The majority of the sketches were weak. This is likely due to an overuse of Dr. Armond, the pet plastic surgeon who doubles as the least appealing character on the show, and C Czar from “Dad Academy,” the second least appealing character.
The episode’s two high notes were “Rich Dicks” and Kroll and John Mulaney reprising their roles as the old guys from “Too Much Tuna.” Both sketches moved forward in hilarious ways with great potential for future humor. The Rich Dicks attempted to buy a plane from a ticket agent at the airport and then began their journey to the Dubai Film Festival (in coach, unfortunately). Meanwhile, Gil Faison finally got his comeuppance for eating all that tuna and has to visit an actual doctor rather than someone who “is the prime suspect in a botched c-section.”
The new sketch, “Pawnsylvania,” which is about two cousins who own pawn shops—one in Pittsburgh and one in Philly—made me wonder if sometimes the writers just start from the name of the sketch and work backward. There were some good moments though, and, of course, most of the fun was had with sports references and perfect regional accents. Ron Funches as Dr. Armond’s public defender was great and also makes the upcoming trial promising. However, overall, this episode provided spotty laughs at best.
Some Highlights:
1. “No, I’m calling to give you advice on how to win one Super Bowl ever.” – Pawn Shop owner Don from Pittsburgh
2. “It’s just that we invited Axl Rose and Tyrese onto our plane and they did some dermage.” – the Rich Dicks trying to buy a plane
3. “We’ve got a hot sub doc about the plight of the Iraqi people who live in Beverly Hills.” – the Rich Dicks
4. This exchange at the doctor’s office:
Doctor: “You have mercury poisoning.”
George St. Geeglund: “And that’s what Freddy Mercury died of?”
Doctor: “No he died of AIDS.”
George St. Geeglund: “Right, and he was poisoned by it. So it was ‘Mercury’s poisoning?’”
Doctor: “No.”
George St. Geeglund: “We’re saying the same thing.”