The Best Tweets from Comedians about Michelle Wolf’s White House Correspondents’ Dinner Roast
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It’s been two days since Michelle Wolf told some fact-based jokes about Trump, his administration and the media at the White House Correspondents’ Dinner, and for some reason people are still talking about it. (They should be talking about how the entire dinner is terrible depressing bullshit that shows just how fundamentally broken the media in America is, of course.) Many in the mainstream media blasted Wolf over her set, pretty much because the media hates being reminded of how terrible a job they’ve been doing this century (and especially in the Trump era). Conservatives act like they’re incensed over Wolf’s supposed hatred and intolerance, but in reality are just being their regular disingenuous, hypocritical, bad acting selves, looking for anything that they can act like victims about while moving the national conversation away from legitimate issues. For all their talk about political correctness killing comedy and complaints about “virtue signalling” “snowflakes” who need safe spaces, the right never misses any opportunity to complain about jokes made at their expense.
In response to the (largely fake) outrage over Wolf doing exactly what she was hired to do, many comedians have taken to Twitter to defend her performance and mock the performative anger of Wolf’s critics. Most notable comedians seem to agree that Wolf did a great job of speaking truth to power, and that the biggest complaints about her are coming from people who either want to silence criticism of Trump and his minions, or from members of the media who are angry that Wolf took them to task for their complicity in Trump’s election.
And then there are the tweets from comedians who have firmly embraced the right-wing and/or Trump, two of whom were major names in the ‘80s and ‘90s. Former SNL fake newsman and HBO talk show host Dennis Miller called Wolf “a horrid human being” and promised to have “a few brutally mean jokes about her by Wednesday.” Other comedians don’t know what’s more laughable—that it’ll take Miller four days (by his own admission!) to come up with some quality zingers, or the thought that the sucking humor void that is Miller could somehow write any good jokes in the year 2018. Roseanne Barr, who has revealed herself to be a full-fledged Trump-supporting conspiracy theorist on her Twitter account, responded by making up a “first rule of comedy” that no other comedian has ever heard of and that basically says that comedians should only punch down.
Below are some of the funniest and most passionate responses to Wolf’s speech, the absurd reaction to it from the right and the media, and a few digs at Miller and Barr for good measure. And we promise you this will be the last time we write about this thing in our humble little comedy section.
Before you hop into it, though, here’s a Twitter thread from Kathy Griffin that’s gotten a lot of praise since this whole thing started. We’ve embedded a key tweet below, but if you’re looking for what’s probably the definitive response to Wolf’s set from a comedian’s perspective, you might want to go read the whole thread.
C) @michelleisawolf was hired to do a roast. That was her job. She wasn’t hired to offer media analysis or be fair and balanced. She was hired to poke fun at powerful people. Not once did she punch down. She focused on the people/institutions that are powerful beyond measure
— Kathy Griffin (@kathygriffin) April 29, 2018
i’m glad michelle wolf hurt your feelings because my feelings are hurt everyday by a lying racist inept administration
— Ziwe (@ziwe) April 29, 2018
cheat sheet for journalists:
offensive jokes punch downfor Michelle Wolf’s jokes to be offensive u must believe she has more power or privilege than Tr*mp
– she doesn’t. wow. I’m right.
— Cameron Esposito (@cameronesposito) April 29, 2018
The best line by Michelle Wolf last night is “Flint still doesn’t have clean water.”
The richest country in the world being unwilling to help its poorest people is the biggest joke of all.
— Nick Jack Pappas (@Pappiness) April 29, 2018
The melodramatic pearl clutching and hypocritical condemnation of Michelle Wolf by all these conservative media dorks is basically like a 24 hour standing ovation. Great job, @michelleisawolf.
— First, do no Karms (@IanKarmel) April 29, 2018
A lot of people are whining “what if a man made fun of a woman’s makeup” in relation to Michelle Wolf and it’s like, my dudes, you guys elected that man
— Mike Drucker (@MikeDrucker) April 29, 2018
Crazy that the White House Correspondents Dinner invited a woman who says shameful things into a microphone for a living and also Michelle Wolf
— Chase Mitchell (@ChaseMit) April 29, 2018
Michelle Wolf did great. If it had been me, there wouldn’t even have been jokes – just me pointing at each of them and saying, “Go fuck yourself.”
— Michael Ian Black (@michaelianblack) April 29, 2018
I can’t believe Michelle Wolf called Sarah Sanders a dog…
Oh wait that was Rush Limbaugh on 12 year old Chelsea Clinton..
But Michelle did call Sarah a pig…
Oh wait that was Donald Trump on Rosie..
What did Michelle say again?
Oh yeah…exposed Sarah for the liar she is.
— Tony Posnanski (@tonyposnanski) April 29, 2018
SOME GUY: pc babies get so triggered over comedy. u mad? freakin cry about it ????????
COMEDIAN: sarah huckabee sanders eats doo doo
SOME GUY: once more, the coastal elites spring forth from ivory towers to spit on the suffering souls below. i ask- are we not human. do we not bleed— demi adejuyigbe (@electrolemon) April 29, 2018
You spelled Führer wrong.
— Jesse McLaren (@McJesse) April 30, 2018
I know other people have mentioned this already, but in case you want to be mad at Michelle Wolf about talking about Sara H’s eye make up, YOUR PRESIDENT REGULARLY HAS CALLED WOMEN PIGS, PIECES OF ASS, AND OBJECTIFIED HIS OWN DAUGHTER. Pick a lane.
— Whitney Cummings (@WhitneyCummings) April 30, 2018
I think conservatives are so mad at Michelle Wolf because they realized that when liberals play your insult game, we’re often way better at it.
— Whitney Cummings (@WhitneyCummings) April 30, 2018
They call you liars. They call Mexicans rapists. They call Muslims murderers. They support white supremacists. But someone calls them out on what they do, & suddenly they’re heroes for not walking out.
— Kumail Nanjiani (@kumailn) April 29, 2018
Why would Michelle Wolf tell mean jokes? Doesn’t she know the high bar of human dignity these people have set?
— Dana Gould (@danagould) April 30, 2018
Sarah Huckabee Sanders lies to the American people almost every day and defends the lies, incompetence and cruel behavior of the most unqualified and embarrassing President in modern times. You think the jokes last night were harsh? Wait until history has its way with her.
— billy eichner (@billyeichner) April 29, 2018
This whole Michelle Wolf thing has really stolen the thunder from my SCORCHING anti-Marxist rant at today’s Daytime Emmys
— billy eichner (@billyeichner) April 30, 2018
trump: all immigrants are criminals
pundits: wow the president’s fiery rhetoric has rallied his passionate base
michelle wolf: sarah huckabee sanders is a liar
pundits: ugh unbelievable. a disrespectful and inappropriate comment
— Bob Vulfov (@bobvulfov) April 30, 2018
Apology is owed to @americanpeople and others (@allforeigners) grossly insulted by Trump and his enablers like @mitchellreports at white house. Media is worst since the run up to Iraq war.
— )))David Cross((( (@davidcrosss) April 30, 2018
Michelle Wolf : Mr. Trump, she said, “has helped you sell your papers and your books and your TV. You helped create this monster and now you are profiting from him.” AND A TRUER WORD WAS NEVER SPOKEN!
— Bette Midler (@BetteMidler) April 30, 2018
If I may, I don’t know Michelle Wolf, but I think she was trying to say that it makes us angry to be lied to. Sometimes women make the mistake of expecting more from other women, and so we hold Sarah Huckabee Sanders accountable for spreading the lies of Donald Trump.
— Paula Poundstone (@paulapoundstone) April 30, 2018
In these divisive times, it’s heartwarming to see everyone coming together to agree that Dennis Miller sucks.
— Kashana (@kashanacauley) April 30, 2018
While you guys are all cracking wise, Dennis Miller is patiently waiting for the library to open to look up Michelle Wolf on microfiche and roast her like Jacques de Molay during the crusades.
— Mason Steinberg (@AlUCanEatShrimp) April 29, 2018
might stop into The Comedy Cellar tonight just in case Dennis Miller is there workshopping his killer jokes for Weds
— Brandon McCarthy (@BMcCarthy32) April 30, 2018
Dennis Miller is like if Andy Borowitz had rabies and a thesaurus
— Mark Agee (@MarkAgee) April 29, 2018
To people leaping to defend Michelle Wolf, remember, the right wing doesn’t give a shit about what she said.
It’s all about burning up time & focus so they can keep looting and ripping apart this country.— Adam McKay (@GhostPanther) April 30, 2018
I genuinely love how many smart and funny people are saying nice things about Michelle Wolf and how many dopes are giving her free publicity while publicly shitting their pants.
— Josh Gondelman (@joshgondelman) April 30, 2018
Remember when Dennis Miller was a comic instead of a Joke Hall Monitor? What a dork.
— Dan Soder (@DanSoder) April 29, 2018
Looking forward to Dennis Miller taking three days to write a joke telling Michelle Wolf to get him a sandwich.
— Desi (@DesiJed) April 29, 2018
Every mediocre conservative with a patreon talks ENDLESSLY about comedy being “censored” by people who get too easily offended. Excited to see them defend Michelle Wolf.
— Mike Drucker (@MikeDrucker) April 29, 2018
The reaction to Michelle Wolf just shows that media who claim to want comedy to punch up and speak truth to power etc actually loathe to see that done properly, because it reminds everybody that they don’t do any of that stuff themselves.
— Frankie Boyle (@frankieboyle) April 29, 2018
(7/7) I’d say Michelle Wolf needs to apologize, but that’s not far enough. She needs to apologize to Roseanne Barr for violating the first rule of comedy, then join a convent.
— Julius Sharpe (@juliussharpe) April 30, 2018
The first rule of Comedy is actually end on a high note and not overstay your welcome and yet Roseanne is still out here
— Pepperoni Seagull Fiasco (@CaseyMalone) April 29, 2018
“how dare that lady comedian be so vulgar” says the crowd that’s clearly delicate like doilies
— shauna (@goldengateblond) April 29, 2018
One of the biggest flaws of the “left” is its frequent tendency to be more outraged by speech than action. On any given day, you’ll see more far online anger over an offensive joke than you will over mass incarceration or corporate pollution. We can do better than this.
— Seth MacFarlane (@SethMacFarlane) April 29, 2018
“Michelle Wolf’s humor is so sophomoric she makes Pliny the Younger look like Latka Gravas, babe.” (smirks while 3 middle aged assholes whose kids hate them snicker knowingly)
— Eli Braden (@EliBraden) April 29, 2018
Our president brought up Hispanics. Then a crowd of people started to “boo.” But yeah, let’s keep talking about jokes and comedians and dumb fucking bullshit.
— Jonah Ray Rodrigues (@jonahray) April 30, 2018
The funniest thing is super rich people calling comedy writer/performers “elites”. We are fucking carnies!
— Jonah Ray Rodrigues (@jonahray) April 29, 2018
The last thing Michelle Wolf said was that Flint still doesn’t have clean water. It wasn’t even a joke, is inarguably true, and everyone is way more mad about a joke they didn’t even get about SHS’s make-up.
— Adam Newman (@Adam_Newman) April 29, 2018
Michelle Wolf wouldn’t call Sarah Huckabee Sanders a dog, mostly out of fear that Sarah’s brother would sit on Sarah to death if he heard it.
— mike mulloy (@fakemikemulloy) April 29, 2018
The funniest thing is gonna be Dennis Miller dropping his Michelle Wolf roast jokes on Wednesday and no one will know what the fuck he’s talking about because there will have been ten more controversies while he was on his three day joke writing retreat at an isolated cabin
— Mark Agee (@MarkAgee) April 29, 2018
hey, a lot of people are making fun of dennis miller right now for saying he needs three days to come up with mean jokes about michelle wolf, and i just want to say those jokes are very funny but imagine if you worked on them for three more days!
— Myq Kaplan (@myqkaplan) April 29, 2018
No way Michelle Wolf gets away with this without profiting greatly. Mark my words: there will be consequences to gloriously bask in.
— Anthony Jeselnik (@anthonyjeselnik) April 29, 2018