The Funniest Tweets About Mike Pence Touching NASA Equipment
Photo by Bill Ingalls/NASA/Handout/Getty
Just a few short days after Mike Pence was named head of the new National Space Council, the man is already shoving his greasy fingers where he shouldn’t.
Mike Pence touching the thing that says in big red block letters “DO NOT TOUCH” is basically white privilege in a single image.
— O General My General (@rideatdawn) July 7, 2017
Yep, that’s the guy most in charge of guiding America’s future space endeavors, failing to read the safety instructions on presumably the first NASA equipment he encountered. Color us inspired.
Naturally, twitter had something of a field day with our bumbling vice president.
For some reason, seeing Pence touch the thing that said DO NOT TOUCH made me think of this #FarSide cartoon.
Just me?— Steve Marmel (@Marmel) July 7, 2017
Rubio:The sign says “Do Not Touch” Mike!
Pence:….Shiny— St Peter (@stpeteyontweety) July 7, 2017
Mike Pence: “This would be great material for a chastity belt…”
— Christian Nightmares (@ChristnNitemare) July 7, 2017
If something has a “DO NOT TOUCH” sign at NASA’s HQ, it is probably best to heed that warning—Not for Mike Pence.
— Hayley Jones (@meetmissjoness) July 7, 2017
#Pence handles delicate NASA hardware right next to ‘do not touch’ sign
— RT America (@RT_America) July 7, 2017
I just wanted to be a part of that moment all right
— Peter Durfee (@Durf) July 7, 2017
U can’t touch th—HEY WHAT THE HELL MIKE
— Peter Durfee (@Durf) July 7, 2017
Laugh to death!!! #VicePresident#MikePence#donottouch#NASA
— Costas Molvalis (@costasmolvalis) July 7, 2017
She speaksesss…! my preciousss…
— Lorgen GR Magpantay (@Shadouness) July 7, 2017
— Gerard Donaghy (@Gerard_Donaghy) July 7, 2017
What is Mike Pence even doing at NASA?!
“I don’t accept evolution, but, how ‘bout a tour?”— Bryan Standfest (@CtrlAltDestroy) July 7, 2017
— Pat Sullivan (@pattysull) July 7, 2017
In Pence’s defense, “DO NOT TOUCH” is in quotes.
— southpaw (@nycsouthpaw) July 7, 2017
— Tony Shaw ???? (@Maynardgcrabbs) July 7, 2017
“Do not run for VP they said”
— LifeWithLalu (@LifewithLalu) July 7, 2017
The Photoshop game on the US Vice President Mike Pence NASA visit is strong. #DoNotTouch
— OG.LV (@OGdotLV) July 7, 2017
Bet mike pence was like “I touch the butt” now president clown fish has to go find him.
— Austin B Slaughter (@doomfurry1996) July 7, 2017
In Mike Pence’s defense there is a woman behind him who’s not his wife. He was probably super flustered #G20HAM17 Putin Podesta Putin-Trump
— Generalissimo Trump (@Pol_PoTrump) July 7, 2017