MST3K Announces Time Bubble Live Tour for End of 2021
Photos via MST3K
Mystery Science Theater 3000 fans have another reason to be optimistic today, as the cult movie-riffing series, which recently raised more than $6.5 million for its latest incarnation on Kickstarter, has announced a new live tour to accompany development of MST3K season 13. Dubbed the Time Bubble Tour, the event was announced today by the MST3K team in a post for backers of the project. The tour will begin on Oct. 30 in York, Pennsylvania before continuing into early 2022, although the organizers are quick to point out that more dates will still be added in the coming weeks, which will hopefully fill in some geographic gaps in the tour, which seems to lean Midwestern at the moment. Full tour dates can be seen here.
Cast for this particular MST3K tour will include actress Emily Marsh as “lead human” Emily Connor, stepping into the role most recently seen on screen as played by Jonah Ray. Marsh has been part of previous MST3K live tours, and will reportedly riff on screen in the upcoming MST3K season as well, joined by both Ray and series creator Joel Hodgson, making his long-awaited return to the titular theater. On the tour, Marsh will be joined by Tom Servo (Conor McGiffin), Crow (Nate Begle), and GPC/Mega-Synthia (Yvonne Freese), who have likewise all been part of previous MST3K live tours. A short trailer for the tour can be seen immediately below.
As for the experiment itself, the crew has queued up 1985’s truly bizarre-looking Making Contact, some sort of fantasy/sci-fi/family crossover that looks like the unholy love child of MST3K’s classic Pod People episode and an ‘80s suburban horror flick ‘ala The Gate. One of the oddest aspects of this film is that Making Contact was actually directed by Independence Day and The Day After Tomorrow helmer Roland Emmerich, as only the second feature of his career. You can see a more detailed trailer for Making Contact (also known as Joey) below.
Looks to us like the MST3K riffers might have struck gold on this one. Tickets for the Time Bubble Tour will first become available on Wednesday, July 7 for Kickstarter backers, who will enjoy a 48-hour window of exclusivity before the tickets go on sale to the general public. We’ll bring you more information on the tour as it becomes available.