Watch Norm Macdonald’s 60-Second Late Late Show Audition

At the end of this year, Craig Ferguson will be stepping down from CBS’ The Late Late Show, meaning yet another vacancy on late night. Even at 12:35, talk show host is a pretty sweet gig, so last night comedian Norm Macdonald announced his candidacy for the job by performing an entire episode of the show on Conan. And to prove he really has what it takes, the former “Weekend Update” anchor did it all in just a minute.
With only 60 seconds on the clock, Macdonald manages to run the complete late night triathlon, giving a monologue, bantering with his co-host and conducting a full interview. He even manages to show a clip from guest Fred Willard, albeit a fairly short one. Check it out above, and find out what exciting new word will be in Willard’s next project.