Watch a Trailer for The Lonely Island-Produced Comedy Palm Springs, Which Drops Andy Samberg in an Infinite Time Loop

There aren’t a lot of people I’d trust to do a good Groundhog Day ripoff, but The Lonely Island are near the top of that short list.
Palm Springs, an upcoming Hulu movie produced by The Lonely Island and starring Andy Samberg and Cristin Milioti, is at least upfront about its familiar premise. The new trailer, which you can watch below, has a moment where Samberg tells Milioti they’re stuck in “one of those infinite time loop situations.” The Lonely Island’s entire career has been built on twisting pop culture—sometimes lovingly, sometimes with a scathing bite, but almost always with an irreverent joy and a good mind for comedy, and Palm Springs promises to keep that streak intact.
The Lonely Island might produce Palm Springs, and its most visible member might be the film’s lead, but they didn’t write or direct it. It was written by Andy Siara (who also wrote on the late, great Lodge 49) and directed by Max Barbakow, and is the first feature work from either of them. They seem to have done a pretty good job—it currently has a 100% on Rotten Tomatoes, based on 27 reviews after it was a big hit at Sundance earlier this year. And Hulu paid more for the rights than any other movie has ever gotten out of Sundance, so they’re pretty damn confident about it.
Palm Springs will be up on Hulu on July 10, and here’s that trailer to get you all hepped up for it.