The Funniest Tweets about the Biden and Trump Town Halls
Images are YouTube Screencaps
Joe Biden and Donald Trump held competing town halls tonight, and honestly I didn’t watch either one of them. I was in a car somewhere between Arizona and Amarillo when they both happened, and even if I hadn’t been, I would’ve been watching the Braves game instead. Y’know, priorities, and such. And it’s not like anything that happened at either of these events would change mine (or, most likely, anybody else’s) mind on who to vote for.
Since I didn’t watch either of them, I can confirm that the jokes below are still totally acceptable even if you skipped the town halls. They make sense. They might even make you laugh. Who knows. I’ve got to drive to Tulsa tomorrow, so I’m going to wrap this one short, and just say that you should follow all the people who tweeted this stuff, assuming you actually use Twitter.
I’m going to watch one town hall with each eyeball and gather as little information as if I watched neither, while still doing the important work of letting them make me feel like shit.
— Josh Gondelman (@joshgondelman) October 15, 2020
yeah no this is great
— Nick Pinto (@macfathom) October 16, 2020
These town hall meetings are the white verzuz
— Marcella Arguello (@marcellacomedy) October 16, 2020
I watched the president talk for two minutes and now I am dead of dying
— ristolable, but it’s halloween (@ristolable) October 16, 2020
twitter go down again now challenge
— my pal andy (@andylevy) October 16, 2020
Thirty-five minutes into Joe Biden’s town hall and he has yet to endorse QAn*n.
Hard to see how he comes back from this.
— Scott Bixby (@scottbix) October 16, 2020
Starting to think I should vote for the guy who isn’t screaming about fake things
— ristolable, but it’s halloween (@ristolable) October 16, 2020
joe biden should have just stood in the middle of the stage and held a monitor above his head playing the trump town hall, say anything style
— Erin GrudgePAC Ryan (@morninggloria) October 16, 2020
This isn’t fair, someone clearly gave Joe Biden the Constitution ahead of time.
— Louis Virtel (@louisvirtel) October 16, 2020
Donald Trump is currently rolling with what can only be described as “Craig Counsell Legs”
— Richard Staff (@RichardStaff) October 16, 2020
Couldn’t decide between the ABC town hall or the NBC town hall, so I’m watching the channel in the middle, David’s Down-Home Christmas on QVC. They got hoodies made of blankets.
— Jesse Case (@jessecase) October 16, 2020
The real issue with the Mr. Rogers slam, aside from the obvious idiocy of comparing your rival to one of the most beloved humans of the modern era, is they still think we want to be entertained by a POTUS. We’ve seen it now, it wears thin after a few hundred thousand funerals.
— Schooley (@Rschooley) October 16, 2020
As of the last 48 hours, the Trump re-election platform is:
Mr. Rogers sucks
I’m annoyed local TV covers severe weather but not a foreign politician talking about me
there might be a Satanic pedophile cult, haven’t found it yet
I ordered US Marshals to murder someone— Max Kennerly (@MaxKennerly) October 16, 2020
I bet after watching how shitty Donald Trump did tonight, JFK Jr is feeling pretty stupid he faked his own death so he can become his surprise running mate next week.
— David Iserson (@davidiserson) October 16, 2020
The Trump presidency takes place in the Uncut Gems universe
— Aaron (@BobbyBigWheel) October 16, 2020
Trump is creating 1000s of new jobs TONIGHT bc of all the fact-checkers committing mass suicide during #TrumpTownHall
— John Fugelsang (@JohnFugelsang) October 16, 2020
Biden vs. Trump is like choosing between a sandwich or broken glass. It’s not hard.
— Sarah Wood (@sarahwoodwriter) October 16, 2020
joe biden is running to become the next guy who owes me $1200 and i wish him well
— the people’s account (@InternetHippo) October 16, 2020
“Hello, 911, every time I tune in to the Biden Town Hall my stomach doesn’t shoot acid into my throat and I don’t feel like my brain is going to explode and cause my eyes to shoot out of my skull. Please send an ambulance before I succumb to an unfamiliar sense of calmness.”
— Rex Huppke (@RexHuppke) October 16, 2020