The Funniest Tweets About the McDonald’s / Rick and Morty Szechuan Sauce Debacle

This was the weekend McDonald’s brought back its Szechuan sauce for one day only after Rick and Morty made a medium-sized deal about it in an episode that aired six months ago. It did not go well if you were a Rick and Morty fan. It did go well if you like dunking on Rick and Morty fans on Twitter, which has been happening all morning after legions of Szechuan-deprived cartoon fans slathered their rage all over the internet. Here are the funniest tweets about these fans, who have over time become the new standard bearers for irrational and entitled fan behavior.
McDonalds employees have heard pickle rick, schwifty, and wub a lub a dub dub 300 times today, they deserve $15.00/hr
— Thomas (@ABCBTom) October 7, 2017
McDonald’s should pour out a trough of the Szechuan Sauce behind every location to watch nerds lick sauce out of a trough
— Creppy Li’l ???????????????? (@karengeier) October 8, 2017
I love working at the McDonald’s in Columbus, Ohio and dumping the gallon of szeuchan sauce that corporate gave us down the drain
— Paul Curst (@pblest) October 8, 2017
I am a shift manager at a McDonald’s and we’ve been throwing out the Szechuan sauce because we’re bigger fans of Bojack Horseman.
— skeleton roger ???????? (@iamtherog) October 8, 2017
I am a shift manager at a McDonald’s in Ohio and we set aside 9 of the sauce packets and we are jacking off with the sauce as lube right now
— ghost bosh (@boshj) October 8, 2017
McDonald’s CEO has resigned because of angry Rick & Morty fans threatening to boycott. “We are sorry about the cartoon sauce,” he cried
— Patrick Monahan (@pattymo) October 8, 2017
How many of the people going to McDs today because a cartoon told them to do you think consider themselves too smart to fall for advertising
— Tom Hatfield (@WordMercenary) October 8, 2017
at this point i would rather admit i like American Dad than Rick & Morty
— End Of EVA (@seamoosi) October 8, 2017
the Venn diagram of dudes lining up for Szechuan sauce and dudes who make fun of girls lining up for Unicorn frappuccinos is a circle
— spoop queen (@neonfiona) October 8, 2017
every time a group of entitled nerds gets mad a portion of them become nazis. some dipshit is becoming radicalized off the cartoon bbq sauce
— jon hendren (@fart) October 8, 2017
Rick & Morty fan: To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty
Rick & Morty fan: pays $300 for dipping sauce
— ???? beck ???? (@becksux) October 7, 2017
lord give me the courage to not google szechuan sauce
— Aparna Nancherla (@aparnapkin) October 9, 2017
Was just watching video of nerds chanting to get Rick & Morty sauce from McDonald’s and my gf asked if those were white supremacists.
— Jensen Karp (@JensenClan88) October 8, 2017
RICK AND MORTY FANS: We’re the smartest fanbase in the world
ALSO R&M FANS: I waited in line for 5 hours for ketchup mixed with teriyaki
— Big Supernaturals ???? (@UweBollocks) October 8, 2017
‘not everyone who wanted rick and morty‘s szechuan sauce got to try it, but everyone who did formed a white supremacist terror group.’
— bonjourg, ferretmarm (@TimMacGabhann) October 8, 2017
I regret creating Rick and Morty
— Rick & Morty creator (@alexqarbuckle) October 8, 2017
Everyone waiting in line at McDonalds for szechuan sauce is gonna lose their fuckin minds when they find out about Chinese restaurants
— The Hubris Guy (@fungumchum) October 7, 2017
guys the joke of the rick and morty episode is that the szechuan sauce wasn’t even good
— rachel (halloween) (@rachelmillman) October 8, 2017
Thousands of Rick and Morty fans screaming Wubadubdub at minimum wage cashiers really epitomizes 2017
— Bobby Big Wheel (@BobbyBigWheel) October 7, 2017
I hope mcdonalds employees stole all the Szechuan sauce and are ebaying it for what they make in two weeks at work
— BOOscuits and GRAVEy (@aardvarkwizard) October 8, 2017
Fuck szechuan sauce. I want to order flinstones sized ribs that tip over my car, killing me.
— shut up, mike ginn (@shutupmikeginn) October 8, 2017