Watch an Exclusive Robot Chicken Clip about Overwatch League

Robot Chicken’s 10th season launched on Adult Swim last week, and it certainly hasn’t matured with age. Seth Green and Matthew Senreich’s nerd culture jamboree has been giddily blending up irreverent parodies since 2005, using a variety of stop-motion animation techniques to needle comics, movies, videogames, and more. By this point you probably know if this show is for you. If it is, you’ll probably dig this new season.
If you’re still on the fence, here’s a taste. In this exclusive preview of this upcoming Sunday night’s episode, Robot Chicken tackles Overwatch, esports, Overwatch League, and how nerd culture has gone thoroughly mainstream. There are also some dude jokes about sexy game characters. It’s all very Robot Chicken, and you can check it out below.
Oh, did you know Paste’s own Jamie Loftus wrote on this season of the show? She did. Way to go, Jamie! Congrats. We have know idea if she wrote this particular sketch, but there’s a chance. Yep. Wow. Alright!