The Funniest Tweets About Roger Stone’s Arrest
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Update: So the guy who’s actually somehow our president finally responded to Stone’s arrest, and we can now probably do a second entire tweet gallery of people reacting to this:
Greatest Witch Hunt in the History of our Country! NO COLLUSION! Border Coyotes, Drug Dealers and Human Traffickers are treated better. Who alerted CNN to be there?
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) January 25, 2019
Original Post:
Earlier today the FBI arrested Roger Stone, the Donald Trump adviser and longtime Republican political operative who’s best known for his Richard Nixon tattoo and for dressing like a Floridian’s idea of a dandified fop. Stone’s been indicted for conspiring with Wikileaks and “senior Trump campaign officials” to release stolen Democratic National Committee emails, as uncovered by Robert Mueller’s investigation.
This isn’t that surprising—Stone’s spent years cultivating an image as being too smart to get arrested for the dirty tricks and shady business he barely tried to hide. You know how newspapers have obituaries on file for major figures before they die, just in case, sometimes so far in advance that the obituary writer dies before the obit can actually be published? I wouldn’t be shocked if newspapers have had “Roger Stone Arrested” articles prepped for years now, just waiting for the lorem ipsum to be filled in with all the details.
As the flashiest and most cartoonish of Trump World denizens (which is REALLY saying a lot), Stone was already a beloved target of both professional and amateur comedians. Yeah, people liked making jokes about Michael Cohen or Paul Manafort or Anthony Scaramucci, but there’s something special about Roger Stone. At some point long ago he decided to turn himself into a permanent joke, a walking, talking, co-conspiring punchline, and embraced it so thoroughly that there’s almost something oddly admirable about it. Here’s a Richard Nixon acolyte who spent much of his public career basically winking at the camera about all the legally dubious stuff he was involved in. Yeah, he’s a terrible person committed to exploiting the American government—up to the point of its own destruction—for his own personal gain, but unlike most Republicans he didn’t do much to hide that.
Given that he was already every comedian’s favorite Trump figure, it’s no surprise that Twitter has been engulfed with Stone jokes. Here are the best of the best. Before we get into ‘em, though, let’s put a special spotlight on this amazing tweet from former Cincinnati Bengals wide receiver Chad “Ochocinco” Johnson, who apparently lives next door to Stone.
FBI arrested my neighbor Roger before my morning jog, I’ve only seen shit like that in movies, crazy to start to my Friday
— Chad Johnson (@ochocinco) January 25, 2019
Johnson is a former Dancing With the Stars contestant and guest host of WWE’s Raw, two credits Roger Stone will probably be able to add to his IMDB page within a few years, if he somehow avoids jail time.
Okay, here are the other tweets. They’re good. We promise. We’re pros at this.
Doesn’t seem like the wall around Roger Stone’s house did much to stop the caravan of FBI agents.
— andy lassner (@andylassner) January 25, 2019
Roger Stone literally threatened Randy Credico’s DOG in one of the text messages in the indictment.
Someone should see if Roger Stone made phone calls to Mike Huckabee’s son.
— Nick Jack Pappas (@Pappiness) January 25, 2019
Roger Stone always looked like he was starring in a Broadway musical about prohibition
— Michael (@Home_Halfway) January 25, 2019
I met Roger Stone at Politicon two years ago and I’ve never been more certain to be in the presence of someone who was definitely gonna end up in prison outside of a family reunion
— Mark Agee (@MarkAgee) January 25, 2019
“furloughed FBI agents volunteered to arrest roger stone” is the funniest sentence in the english language
— aída chávez (@aidachavez) January 25, 2019
Oh no. I hope the FBI gave Roger Stone enough time to put on one of his gigantic zoot suits before hauling him away.
— Stephen Falk (@stephenfalk) January 25, 2019
RIP to Roger Stone, arrested for trying to steal the Windsor Diamond during the Gotham Ballet.
— CalmTomb (@CalmTomb) January 25, 2019
Me waking up to the Roger Stone News:
— Desi (@DesiJed) January 25, 2019
Roger Stone will absolutely wear black and white stripe prison garb with a ball and chain on his ankle, per his request
— Dan Clyne (@danCLYNE) January 25, 2019
All Roger Stone has to do to establish himself when he gets to prison is find the guy with the biggest Richard Nixon tattoo at the prison and kick the shit out of him.
— mike mulloy (@fakemikemulloy) January 25, 2019
Well it’s not work if you love what you’re doing
— Ian Boudreau (@iboudreau) January 25, 2019
I just read that Roger Stone’s middle name is Jason, which might be the weirdest detail of the whole story. I figured it would be like…Mortimer or Krampus.
— Josh Gondelman (@joshgondelman) January 25, 2019
Can anyone confirm that Roger Stone’s hats were also arrested?
— Jon Wurster (@jonwurster) January 25, 2019
To be fair, I’d probably arrest Roger Stone for free, too
— Abraham Riesman (@abrahamjoseph) January 25, 2019
Trump: “Why do all these criminals keep being hired by me?”
— SuperNegotiatorHat (@Popehat) January 25, 2019
a lot of liberals laughing at roger stone’s misfortune don’t seem to care that he’s leaving a family at home
— #occupymarwen (@Mobute) January 25, 2019
I don’t see any reason to arrest Roger Stone other than for everything he’s done his entire life.
— The Give Smart Guy (@BobbyBigWheel) January 25, 2019
It’s so annoying how all of President Trump’s innocent friends keep getting arrested
— Fred Delicious (@Fred_Delicious) January 25, 2019
fox news right now lol
— BAKOON (@BAKKOOONN) January 25, 2019
Eric Andre took on Roger Stone a long time ago.
Thanks for finally catching up @FBI.
— Matt Deitsch (@MattxRed) January 25, 2019
Wow this plan of Trump’s really backfired
— official pixelated boat facebook account (@pixelatedboat) January 25, 2019
Anyone criticizing the use of a S.W.A.T. team in Roger Stone’s arrest clearly isn’t familiar with the danger posed by his collection of trick umbrellas.
— Jon Zal (@OfficialJonZal) January 25, 2019
Roger Stone is 70% hot dog skin
— Kelvin Yu (@InternetKelvin) January 25, 2019
Unbelievable, went to visit my friend Roger Stone in Florida and he’s not home. Oh well time to get on a plane back to New York,
— Not a lawyer (@InternetHippo) January 25, 2019
everyone suddenly rushing to cancel roger stone after mueller’s epic callout post
— brian feldman (@bafeldman) January 25, 2019
I don’t know much about American politics or the Mueller investigation but I do know that Roger Stone and that guy that wears the suit with all the question marks on it are the same person. I do not have to defend this in any way
— thomas violence (@thomas_violence) January 25, 2019
Reading about Roger Stone thinking his life is a Godfather movie×2acFREcA
— Patrick Monahan (@pattymo) January 25, 2019
I wish Roger Ailes was still alive so he could die of stress today freaking out about what Roger Stone might reveal.
— Johnny McNulty (@JohnnyMcNulty) January 25, 2019