Sam Bee Tries to Process America’s Post-Election Emotions in Latest Full Frontal
Image via TBS
Over the last week, America has been trying to figure out how to process the election of Donald Trump as president. Obviously some section of the populace is overjoyed, while others are trying to figure out what this election means for people of color, immigrants, LGBTQ+ people and other marginalized groups. Thankfully, Samantha Bee and her wonderful writing staff are here to provide a unique perspective on the reactions people are having.
The anti-Trump protests in major cities across the country are obviously the big news, but Bee takes umbrage with the protestors who are vandalizing cars and shooting fireworks at police officers for making the whole movement look bad. But she also doesn’t want to hear it from Fox News hosts who can’t bear to talk about racism but want to call young adults “special snowflakes.” Bee says, “Today’s college kids are multiracial and international and actually know people who would be hurt by a Trump presidency; of course they’re scared.” Bee points to the increase in hate crimes and harassment as proof of Trump’s already-damaging effect, and urges viewers to send their own stories to Speaker of the House Paul Ryan. “Maybe speaker Ryan will have a better way to deal with the poisonous bigotry that somehow didn’t stop him from voting for Steve Bannon’s boss.”
At the end of the episode, Bee urged viewers to spend Thanksgiving in their happy place like, for example, Jon Stewart, who was sitting on some steps coloring a turkey and singing, “It’s over,” to himself.
You can watch Bee’s breakdown of the post-election mood above and see Jon Stewart in his happy place below.