Watch Samantha Bee Unpack Trump’s Travel Ban
Photo by Nicholas Hunt/Getty
Samantha Bee just delivered the latest and most definitive rant about President Trump’s travel ban. Bee brought a healthy dose of Daily Show-level righteous indignation to bear on the ban, whose justifications are nearly impossible to make sense of. Calling the ban the “ of Islamophobia,” Bee went on to point to the Cato institute’s tally that, since 1975, zero American citizens were killed by immigrants from the banned countries.
Bee, further, distinguished between President Obama’s immigration restrictions and Trump’s insofar as President Obama’s only slowed immigration as opposed to halting it absolutely. “It’s the difference,” Bee quipped, “between going to the DMV on a busy day, and going to the Post Office on a Sunday.” Bee also noted that the Koch brothers shared her distaste for the ban, presumably because they “would never want to prevent the next Ayn Rand from arriving on our shores.”
Watch the full clip above, and see more of Paste’s favorite clips from Full Frontal With Samantha Bee here.