Watch Chris Rock’s Monologue from SNL‘s Season Premiere

Chris Rock hosted Saturday Night Live’s 46h season premiere, and as usual for an episode hosted by a stand-up comedian, his monologue was probably the funniest thing on the show. At least it was the most distinctive segment—the one that most felt like it was filtered through a defined comedic viewpoint and not just written by people trying to please their boss. I’m not gonna lie, it’s not great, per se, at least not as great as you expect from Rock—he bungles a couple of his lines, he seems a little tentative, he actually just feels like a dude who’s rusty as heck due to the catastrophic pandemic that has upended every aspect of society for the last seven months—but it’s still, y’know, totally fine. It’s good, even. It’s eight minutes of new Chris Rock—unsteady, untested, unworkshopped Chris Rock, but Chris Rock nonetheless. Check it out below, and find the rest of this season’s SNL premiere on YouTube or Peacock or probably Hulu I guess? I dunno. Or, like, just split up in posts here at Paste, because they’re still paying me to embed things.